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Actor Tamayo Perry warns of shark ahead of deadly attack

Actor Tamayo Perry warns of shark ahead of deadly attack


Tamayo Perry has always had a cautious fascination with sharks.

Professional surfer and lifeguard who grew up on the beaches of Oahu, Hawaii, and whose talent and local fame earned him appearances in Pirates of the Caribbean And Blue favoritehe often posted online about sharks and their attacks.

In July 2015, he reflected on Facebook about the infamous moment surfer Mick Fanning attacked by two sharks in South Africa. He described it as a great indication that Jesus' mercy is more than [sic] enough before noting that scientists don't know if sharks can identify color and that the apex predator can't swim in backyards.

Anyway, sharks freak me out and I'm glad the Good Lord got Mick back today, Perry wrote. Only the Lord can tell when your time has come.

In another online post, Perry, 49, described himself as a Jaws fan. In a third post, Perry even admitted that he could feel the presence of sharks while he was surfing. A friend even told the Daily Beast that after spending almost every day surfing in a spot on northeast Oahu known for its sharks, Perry always alluded to seeing them and feeling their presence.

Can people smell sharks??? I don't know if it's my imagination, but I swear I can feel when they're there, Perry wrote in a Facebook post in June 2019.

Perry's online thoughts about sharks now seem both prophetic and heartbreaking following his tragic death Sunday following a shark attack. Authorities say he was attacked at the popular northeast Oahu surf break near Goat Island and was brought ashore on Malaekahana Beach by lifeguards just before 1 p.m. .

He appeared to have been bitten by several sharks, although it was still unclear what type of shark attacked him, authorities said. According to the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural ResourcesPerry's death was one of four shark incidents in the state this year and, although most local shark attacks involve surfers, only one a small percentage is fatal.

The attack sent shockwaves throughout the surfing community, which remembers Perry as a beloved friend, actor and athlete.

Perry was humble and always pleasant to be around, said Matt Paul, a professional photographer who described the surfer as one of the nicest guys ever, whom he was lucky to call a friend for over of a decade.

He always said hello and took the time to know everyone's name, Paul said. He was a friendly, happy soul, always ready to surf and help others. He always wanted to collaborate with photographers.

Paul said he joined Perry several times at the northeast Oahu surf spot where Perry's surfer was found dead, describing it as an infamous shark spot and a place where guys go because there are no waves on the North Shore in summer.

Everyone thinks and talks about sharks when they come out to this place, he said. One time I was about to paddle out there and Tamayo made a funny, friendly comment like, “Oh, it's a shark over there, be careful.”

He said that while Perry's death was a tragic loss, he was comforted by the fact that the surfer died while enjoying his favorite activity.

Even though it's a horrible path, he did what he loves, he added. It reminds me a lot of Pirates of the Caribbean when I think about it.

Perry burst onto the professional surfing scene in 1999, when he won the Pipe Masters Trials, and continued to compete for 15 years. After surviving a near-fatal head injury after being hit by a rogue surfboard, Perry dedicated a part of Oahu Surf Experience, the surf school he ran with his wife, on safe surfing practices and etiquette.

In 2016, Perry became a lifeguard at North Shore and Honolulu County Ocean Safety. His success led to numerous acting roles, notably in an episode of Hawaii five-0 and a role in the film, The big rebound.

Tamayo Perry, an eight-year ocean safety veteran and well-known North Shore sailor, has demonstrated bravery, commitment and a deep sense of duty, serving our community with unwavering dedication, the Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi. said in a statement Monday. His heroic actions and tireless efforts to keep our residents and visitors safe will never be forgotten.




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