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10 Best Bollywood Actors Of The 60s Who Ruled Our Hearts

10 Best Bollywood Actors Of The 60s Who Ruled Our Hearts


The Indian film industry is over a hundred years old and every decade we witness the emergence of actors who eventually become icons. In the 1960s, several actors tried to make a name for themselves. However, only a few Bollywood actors of the 60s remain in the memory of movie buffs for their talent.

As we look back at the rich history of the industry, we pay tribute to some of the best Bollywood actors of the 60s who were a part of some of the evergreen classic films.

A look at the top 10 Bollywood actors of the 60s who became icons:

1.Raj Kapoor

Popularly known as the greatest showman of Indian cinema, Raj Kapoor has contributed greatly to the rich history of Bollywood. Born to actor Prithviraj Kapoor, he started working at the age of ten. Film buffs believe that he was inspired by Charlie Chaplin and is therefore often referred to as the 'Charlie Chaplin of Indian cinema'. He also played characters based on The Tramp, one of Chaplin's most memorable on-screen characters.

2. Dharmendra

Every year, the Indian film industry sees many aspiring actors coming to Mumbai to fulfill their dream of becoming the most successful actor in Bollywood. Among them was Dharmendra Kewal Krishan Deol, who rose to fame in the mid-1960s for films like Ayee Milan Ki Bela, Kaajal, Phool Aur Patthar, Anupama and many others.


Fondly called the He-Man of Bollywood, the lead actor is considered one of the most successful actors in the history of Hindi cinema with over 200 films in his kitty.

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3. Jeetendra

Jeetendra is another great Bollywood actor of the 60s. He was a jewelry supplier and had no intention of becoming an actor. But he ended up becoming one of the icons of the Indian film industry. The 1964 film Geet Gaya Patharon Ne marked his first film with actress Rajshree. It was with this dramatic film that his career exploded and ended up making him an evergreen.

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4.Dilip Kumar

Known for his pioneering method of acting in cinema, Dilip Kumar ruled the film industry from the late 1940s to the 1960s. With a career spanning over five decades, he has worked in several films across genres, most of which have been box-office hits. Some of his commercial successes include Jugnu, Andaz, Azaad, the historical epic Mughal-E-Azam, the crime drama Gunga Jumna and the comedy-drama film Ram Aur Shyam.

5.Sunil Dutt

The 1955 film Railway Platform, directed by Ramesh Saigal, marked Sunil Dutt's debut as an actor in the industry. It was Saigal who suggested the actor change his name from Balraj Dutt to avoid being confused with veteran actor Balraj Sahni. The National Film Award winner shared the screen with his son Sanjay Dutt for the last time in the 2002 film Munna Bhai MBBS3 before he passed away in 2005.

6. Sanjeev Kumar

Another Bollywood actor of the 60s is Sanjeev Kumar. He is best known for his work in films like Sachaai, Sholay, Trishul, Khilona, ​​Yehi Hai Zindagi, Ram Tere Kitne Naam, Vidhaata, Pati Patni Aur Woh, Angoor and many more. His death at the age of 47 sent shock waves through the industry.

Interestingly, more than ten of his films have been released posthumously, the last being Professor Ki Padosan, released in 1993.

7. Shammi Kapoor

Movie buffs still remember him as the enthusiastic and stylish dance lover who made them his fans with his song Chahe Koi Mujhe Junglee Kahe from the 1961 film Junglee. With his career spanning over five decades, Shammi Kapoor has worked in over 100 films Professor, China Town, Kashmir Ki Kali, Teesri Manzil, An Evening in Paris, Brahmachari and others. He also shared the screen with his nephew Ranbir Kapoor in 2011's Rockstar, his last film.

8. Dev Anand

Dev Anand is one of the Bollywood actors of the 60s who still thrills the hearts of movie lovers. Often referred to as one of the most successful actors in the Indian entertainment industry, the veteran star has worked in over 100 films, with Guide being the signature film of his career. Some of his other works include Kala Pani, Love Marriage, Hum Dono, Gangster and others. He has also produced and directed several feature films.

9. Kishore Kumar

Apart from acting, Kishore Kumar has also proven his mettle as a singer and musician. Even though he was unsure about his acting career, Kumar ended up etching his name in the history of Indian cinema as the most versatile and talented actor. Some of his notable works include Tamasha, Ladki, Naukari, Miss Mala, Char Paise, Baap Re Baap, Chalti Ka Naam Gaadi and Padosan.

ten.Prem Chopra

This list of the best Bollywood actors of the 60s wouldn't be complete without mentioning Prem Chopra. The icon dedicated 60 years of his life to the industry and starred in almost 400 films. Popular for playing villainous characters, Prem Chopra has been showered with immense love from his fans. He was also part of Sandeep Reddy Vangas Animal, directed by Ranbir Kapoor.

That's all for this list of best Bollywood actors of the 60s. For more interesting content, stay tuned to Pinkvilla.

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