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Bollywood Roundup: Kareena Kapoor Khan, Karisma Kapoor, Varun Dhawan and more…

Bollywood Roundup: Kareena Kapoor Khan, Karisma Kapoor, Varun Dhawan and more…


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Kareena's wish for her sister Karisma on her 50th birthday: 'Lots of coffee, appetizers, fancy bags, Chinese food'

Mumbai – Actress Kareena Kapoor Khan showered his love on his older sister and “ultimate hero”, Karisma Kapooron his 50th birthday, wishing him lots of laughter, dancing and Chinese food.

On Instagram, Kareena shared a montage video featuring never-before-seen photos of the birthday girl. The reel includes candid shots of the twin sisters, eating, vacation photos, their children and some childhood photographs of Karisma.

The post is captioned: “Happy birthday to my ultimate HERO. 50 is the new 30 gurllll. Big breakfasts, lots of coffee and appetizers, fancy bags, long conversations with me, laughter and dancing, Chinese food, and all the time with your two babies forever… That's what I wish you… #LoloKaBirthday.

Karisma's best friend Amrita Arora also took to Instagram and shared a series of unseen photos with the 'Raja Hindustani' actress.

The photos also feature Amrita's sister, model Malaika Arora, as well as Kareena.

Along with the photos, she wrote a sweet birthday note for Karisma.

The message read: “To our adorable Lolo. You make 50 look delicious, Gurl!! For louder nights of fun, laughter, imitations, talking in bed, joking on the phone and picking up your phone more often. Happy birthday, my calm voice of reason, we love you so much @therealkarismakapoor CHALTE YAAR.

Malaika also took to Instagram and shared throwback photos with Karisma and their girl gang.

The 'Chaiyya Chaiyya' girl wrote in the caption, “You make 50 look so easy lolo @therealkarismakapoor… Happy Birthday… We love you.”

Karisma and Kareena are the daughters of actors Randhir Kapoor and Babita.

The 'Zubeidaa' actress was married to industrialist Sunjay Kapur, but the couple separated in 2016. She has two children, a daughter named Samaira and a son named Kiaan.

On the professional front, Karisma was last featured in the mystery thriller 'Murder Mubarak'. The streaming film also stars Pankaj Tripathi, Sara Ali Khan, Vijay Varma, Dimple Kapadia, Sanjay Kapoor and Tisca Chopra in key roles.

'The Best Stretch': Varun Dhawan Treats Stiff Shoulders and Chest Muscles with Yoga

Mumbai – Bollywood Star Varun Dhawan has vouched for yoga to overcome stiff shoulders and chest muscles, saying it has been the most beneficial healing element in my life.

Varun took to Instagram on Tuesday where he shared a reel showing him stretching for tight muscles. In the video, the actor can be seen doing several asanas but under the guidance of his instructor.

The best stretch… Helps open shoulders and chest. Finish with apnasana (knees to chest), he wrote in the clip.

In the caption, Varun called yoga the most beneficial healing element in his life.

Yoga – stretching to be your best. Yes, it has been the most beneficial healing element of my life. Iv had very stiff shoulders and chest muscles for a long time (sic), he wrote.

The 37-year-old actor, who was last seen in the 2023 film “Bawaal”, said the asanas he performed in the video also helped him with digestion and sleep.

“These asanas really helped me open up and improve my digestion and sleep. It took me a long time to reach here under the supervision of my teacher (sic), Varun wrote.

On the work front, Varun will be seen in action drama 'Baby John' with Keerthy Suresh, Wamiqa Gabbi, Jackie Shroff and Sanya Malhotra. He also has Sunny Sanskari Ki Tulsi Kumari and Citadel: Honey Bunny in the pipeline.

Sonakshi exudes love in photos with Zaheer from the reception party; She calls it “divine intervention”

Mumbai – Actress Sonakshi Sinhawho recently got married to Zaheer Iqbal, on Tuesday shared some pictures from their wedding reception, expressing gratitude for the love, laughter and support from their loved ones, calling it a divine intervention.

The couple got married on June 23 in a civil ceremony at the bride's new apartment, 81 Aureate, located near Rang Sharda Auditorium in Bandra West, Mumbai.

According to media reports, the 'Heeramandi' actress purchased this lavish apartment in September last year. Located on the 26th floor, the sea-facing apartment is spread over 4,210.87 square feet and is reportedly priced at Rs 11 crore.

The reception was held the same day at Bastian, a restaurant in Linking Road, Mumbai, known for its modernist Asian-inspired cuisine.

Taking to Instagram, Sonakshi shared loving pictures with Zaheer from their reception party.

In the pictures, the 'Lootera' actress is seen wearing a custom red brocade 'chand boota' Raw Mango saree.

For makeup, she opted for nude pink lips, winged eyeliner, a contoured face and a red bindi. Her hair was tied in a neat bun adorned with a 'gajra'.

The actress accessorized the outfit with a green choker necklace, matching the 'chandbaalis', and bangles, along with minimal red mehndi on her hands.

The groom, Zaheer, looked happy in an all-white sherwani.

The photos show the couple kissing each other on the forehead.

Sonakshi captioned the post: “What a day!!!! The love, the laughter, the togetherness, the excitement, the warmth, the support from each of our friends, families and teams, it was like the universe had come together for two people in love to give them exactly that. that they always hoped, wished and prayed for. If this isn't divine intervention, we don't know what is. We are both truly blessed to have each other and so much love protecting us.

The post received likes from celebrities like Alia Bhatt, Varun Dhawan, Sidharth Malhotra, Ayushmann Khurrana, Jacqueliene Fernandez and Ananya Panday, among others.

Sonakshi and Zaheer have been dating for seven years.

Actor Salman Khan, a family friend of Zaheer's who gave Sonakshi her break in Bollywood in the action comedy “Dabangg” (2010), played Cupid.

Salman is said to have introduced Sonakshi to Zaheer on the sets of 'Notebook' in 2017.

Kangana Ranaut eyes next CM in Maharashtra Sadan in Delhi; triggers a verbal duel

Mumbai – Bollywood actress and BJP MP, Kangana RanautThe demand, allegedly aimed at securing the continuation of chief ministers in the Maharashtra Sadan in New Delhi, triggered a war of words between the ruling Mahayuti and the opposition Maha Vikas Aghadi here on Tuesday.

Kangana Ranaut, 38, now a Lok Sabha MP elected from her hometown Mandi in Himachal Pradesh, has reportedly indicated her desire to stay at the CM's palatial suite at Maharashtra Sadan in the national capital.

On the opening day of Parliament, Kangana Ranaut on Monday toured the Maharashtra Sadan, visiting almost all the rooms, many of which she found too cramped for her comfort.

She apparently appreciated the spacious and well-appointed CM suite.

Blaming her for seeking the CM's suite, Shiv Sena (UBT) MP and chief spokesperson Sanjay Raut called it absurd and wondered why she couldn't stay in the Rashtrapati Bhavan instead of looking at the Maharashtra Bhavan.

Seemingly a little more charitable, former Congress minister Yashomati Thakur dismissively said that since actress Kangana Ranaut is a newly elected MP, she may be unaware of the protocols on the matter and hence could have made this plea.

NCP (SP) national spokesperson Clyde Crasto said that barely three years ago, when she had a bitter confrontation with the then MVA CM Uddhav Thackeray, Kangana Ranaut had compared Mumbai and Maharashtra to Pakistan.

Now suddenly she claims that Maharashtra is like her second home. So why didn't she contest the LS polls from her karmabhoomi instead of her janmabhoomi? Crasto asked.

BJP MP Nitesh N Rane hit back at MVA leaders alleging that they should first answer for how many days disgraced ex-cop Sachin Vaze allegedly stayed at Uddhav Thackeray's residence.

Rane also attacked the SS (UBT) leader for his comments, saying Kangana Ranaut is an elected MP unlike Raut who he accused of making a backdoor entry into Parliament through Rajya Sabha.

Meanwhile, officials caught in the middle of the dispute pointed out that since Kangana Ranaut is an elected MP from Himachal Pradesh, she should have raised these issues with the Himachal Bhawan authorities instead of the Maharashtra Sadan, even though they diplomatically dismissed. his plea.

Raashii Khanna would love to work with Prabhas because 'he does a great job'

Mumbai – Actress Rashee Khannawho has spent a decade in the acting industry, shared his Tollywood wish list, expressing his desire to work with stars like Prabhas and Mahesh Babu.

Talking about the actors she wants to collaborate with, Raashii said, “I really want to work with Mahesh Babu. I've said it several times. I think we would look great on screen.

The actress said she would love to work with Prabhas.

“He does a great job. I loved the trailer of “Kalki 2898 AD”. I’m looking forward to it,” she added.

Raashii made her acting debut in 2014 with the Telugu film 'Oohalu Gusagusalade', which she said was her first brush with the fandom.

Directed by Srinivas Avasarala, the romantic drama also stars Naga Shaurya and is adapted from the French play 'Cyrano de Bergerac' by Edmond Rostand.

Currently, Raashii, who is fondly called the Tamil golden girl by her fans, has a wide line-up of films including 'The Sabarmati Report' and 'Talakhon Mein Ek'. She also has a Telugu film, 'Telusu Kada', in the pipeline.

Talking about 'The Sabarmati Report', Raashii will be seen for the first time with opposite actor Vikrant Massey. The drama thriller is inspired by real events that took place on the Sabarmati Express in 2002.

The film is scheduled to release on August 2.

She was last seen in the horror comedy 'Aranmanai 4' with actress Tamannaah Bhatia, directed by Sundar C.

The film also stars Ramachandra Raju, Santhosh Prathap, Kovai Sarala, Yogi Babu, VTV Ganesh and Delhi Ganesh. (IANS)





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