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Randeep Hooda on not receiving any support from Bollywood for 'Swatantrya Veer Savarkar': 'I make films for the audience, not the industry' |

Randeep Hooda on not receiving any support from Bollywood for 'Swatantrya Veer Savarkar': 'I make films for the audience, not the industry' |


In a frank conversation at TOI Dialogues, Randeep Hooda delved into the complexities and challenges he faced while making the biopic 'Swatantrya Veer Savarkar'. When thinking about the film labeled as PropagandaRandeep highlighted the intellectual depth of Savarkar and the extensive research he undertook to portray the historical figure authentically.“Making the film was very difficult, as was the person himself,” he remarked, highlighting the polarized reactions in the current socio-political landscape. “Nowadays, things have become black and white; there is no gray area. The left and right wings belong to the same bird.”
Randeep shared that if the film was just a mere propaganda, it wouldn't have been so difficult to bring it to life. His commitment to telling the untold story of Savarkar, whose life unfolded between romantic, pragmatic and political phases, made him persist despite the film's harsh criticism. “Our history has neglected his story,” he said, explaining his intention to shed light on Savarkar’s contributions. Despite the backlash, he said he was relieved that he had recouped his investment and that the film had found a place on OTT platforms.

When asked why he decided to make the film, Randeep confessed that he initially knew little about Savarkar. His curiosity led him to start with Wikipedia and delve into various books, including the perspectives of the British. This deep dive into history fueled his passion for the project, even if he felt exhausted by the end. Looking ahead, Randeep expressed a desire to venture into different genres, including action films, potentially set in Uttar Pradesh. “I continue to break the mold; I want to make an action film. Modestly speaking, I have given a new perspective to the industry when it comes to making biopics and I hope I do the same with my action film. 'action.”

Swatantrya Veer Savarkar | Song – Dariya O Dariya (lyric)

Faced with Bollywood's lack of support for 'Swatantrya Veer Savarkar', Randeep was candid. “Bollywood has not given any support to Savarkar. I make films for the audience, not for them,” he asserted, highlighting the critical support he received from the producer. Sajid Nadiadwala. His focus remains on connecting with audiences rather than seeking validation from his industry peers.

Addressing the ongoing debate over

nepotism in Bollywood, Randeep shared his views. “My father is a doctor, as is my sister. I don't think taking inspiration from your parents is nepotism. If the children of stars want to be a part of the industry, there is nothing wrong with that” , he said, emphasizing that his long career speaks for itself, regardless of industry politics. “I can't be an outsider; I've been working for so long. I don't belong to any group.”
Through his words, Randeep Hooda has painted a portrait of a dedicated artist committed to storytelling, driven by the desire to explore and present diverse narratives, while remaining grounded and authentic in his approach.




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