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Christina Applegate's Daughter Opens Up About the Actor's MS Diagnosis

Christina Applegate's Daughter Opens Up About the Actor's MS Diagnosis


Christina Applegate's teenage daughter Sadie recently opened up about how her mother's multiple sclerosis diagnosis affected her.

During an appearance On Thursday's episode of MeSsy, the podcast that Applegate co-hosts with fellow actor Jamie-Lynn Sigler, the 13-year-old said some things have been very difficult for her since her mother received a MS diagnosis in 2021.

Every night, I remember when I was a kid, we would dance and stuff in her room for hours, she said.

It was hard to see my mother lose a lot of the abilities she had when I was growing up. … It's really, really hard to watch her go through this.

Sadie then explained that it's also nice to be able to support her mother in different ways, although she joked that the Dead to Me actor isn't always ready to let her lead when her mother uses a chair rolling.

Applegate, who shares Sadie with husband Martyn LeNoble, later said that as a parent, she often feels guilty when she has difficult days dealing with MS.

MS is a disease that affects the brain and spinal cord, causing a wide range of potential symptoms, including numbness, muscle weakness, and problems with vision and movement. according to the Cleveland Clinic.

I never want you to feel that I am not capable of being your protector, your mother, the actor told his daughter. I love you, I want to make you food, I want to bring it to you, I want to do everything. And I do, when I can, and I feel incredibly guilty when I can't.

But you're still really cool about it, kid, Applegate continued.

Christina Applegate pictured with her daughter, Sadie, on the red carpet at the 29th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards on February 26, 2023 in Los Angeles, California.
Christina Applegate pictured with her daughter, Sadie, on the red carpet at the 29th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards on February 26, 2023 in Los Angeles, California.

Frazer Harrison via Getty Images

Elsewhere in the episode, Sadie opened up about some of her own health issues and how they helped her interact with her mother.

She said she had recently been diagnosed with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome or POTSa type of autonomic dysfunction that can cause chronic fatigue and dizziness, among other symptoms.

I feel like if I didn't have this thing [POTS] it would be much more difficult to understand what my mother was going through, she told Sigler.

Sadie also said she lives with misophonia, a condition characterized by a negative emotional/autonomic reaction to specific everyday sounds, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Applegate often discusses what it means to navigate MS symptoms.

In an episode of MeSsy that aired earlier this month, the actor told Sigler that she suffered from depression.

This really is the end, she said in the episode recorded earlier this year. I don't mean that, I just mean I'm trapped in this darkness right now where I haven't felt in, I don't even know how long, probably twenty years or so.

She later explained that she focused on being there for her daughter, even though she sometimes felt like giving up: When my daughter needs me, I'll be there for her, I'll do anything for her , I will push and do everything I can.

If you or someone you know needs help, call or text 988 or chat for mental health support. Additionally, you can find local mental health and crisis resources at Outside the United States, please visit International Association for Suicide Prevention.




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