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'Sopranos' Drea de Matteo Claims Celebrities Support Trump 'Quietly'

'Sopranos' Drea de Matteo Claims Celebrities Support Trump 'Quietly'


The Sopranos star Drea de Matteo was interviewed on Fox News' “Jesse Watters Primetime” (via Medit) and said she has a target on her back in Hollywood because she is an actress who does not support Joe Biden for president. The Emmy-winning actor went on to say there are “a lot” of “quiet” Donald Trump supporters in Hollywood, suggesting they won't go public with their support for fear of being similarly criticized. manner for opposing Biden.

“Is There a Quiet Trump Voter in Hollywood?” » asked host Jesse Watters.

“I think there are a lot,” de Matteo replied.

Watters introduced the Sopranos actor by playing clips from a recent celebrity-filled Joe Biden fundraiser in Los Angeles that raised $30 million and included appearances by Jack Black and Jimmy Kimmel. Watters also showed footage of Robert De Niro publicly criticizing Trump outside the Manhattan courtroom during Trump's secret trial.

“It was a tough intro to watch. I'm sorry,” de Matteo said in reaction to the clips. “It's the Italian, man. We're talking about [Anthony] Fauci, we're talking about De Niro. I am mortified right now by my people. I don't understand what we're doing here… Yes, there are a lot of quiet Trump supporters. I wonder how much these actors were paid to support Biden at this point. I'm curious. I wonder if De Niro received a location fee because he went into the courtroom to do this.

“I don’t really maneuver within this industry. I never did,” she added. “First of all, 'Sopranos,' we were outcasts, even though we were critically acclaimed, we were still outcasts. So I'm still an outcast, here I am They're going to take me to the woods and shoot me for not supporting Biden.”

De Matteo was referring to her tragic fate in “The Sopranos,” in which her character, Adriana La Cerva, is gunned down in the woods in Season 5 when the Mafia discovers she is working as a mole for the FBI. The actor has long spoken out openly against pro-Biden celebrities. She said Fox Business earlier this year: “I think the far left owns Hollywood. I think we all know that.

“I know people are fed up and very few people are willing to speak out,” she added. “They will probably vote Republican, and these are people who normally never would, but people are afraid. It no longer looks like a democracy.”

While De Matteo's additional acting credits include “Sons of Anarchy” and “Shades of Blue,” she has become better known in recent months for launching an OnlyFans account. Speaking to Fox News Digital Last year, de Matteo explained that the move to OnlyFans was the result of losing her acting work over the past two years due to her stance against COVID vaccination mandates. She said she was forced to “change careers and invent new things because my own industry thinks I'm a savage” due to her beliefs against COVID vaccine mandates. She added: “I guess you could say I was a bad girl because I didn't follow the rules a few years ago.”

Since moving to OnlyFans, de Matteo has managed to raise enough money to keep her home safe from foreclosure.




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