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The Notebook actor Gena Rowlands has suffered from Alzheimer's disease for five years | Hollywood

The Notebook actor Gena Rowlands has suffered from Alzheimer's disease for five years |  Hollywood


Cult classic film The Notebook recently celebrated 20 years since its release in 2004. Amid the film's celebrations, it was revealed that Gena Rowlands suffered from Alzheimer's disease. It's a complete 360 ​​degree as she plays the older version of Rachel McAdams in the film, who also suffered from Alzheimer's disease.

FILE - Actress Gena Rowlands poses for a portrait at the London West Hollywood Hotel in West Hollywood, California, December 4, 2014. Rowlands suffers from Alzheimer's disease, said her son, filmmaker Nick Cassavetes.  Cassavetes, in an interview with Entertainment Weekly published Tuesday, said Rowlands had suffered from Alzheimer's disease for five years.  (Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP, file)(Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP)
FILE – Actor Gena Rowlands poses for a portrait at the London West Hollywood Hotel in West Hollywood, California, December 4, 2014. Rowlands suffers from Alzheimer's disease, says her son, filmmaker Nick Cassavetes. Cassavetes, in an interview with Entertainment Weekly published Tuesday, says Rowlands has suffered from Alzheimer's disease for five years. (Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP, file)(Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP)

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Director Nick Cassavetes says: She played it and now it's ours.

Director and actor Nick Cassavetes, who is also the 94-year-old actor's son, revealed that his mother suffered from Alzheimer's disease for five years. As reported by Entertainment Weekly, Cassavetes drew parallels between his mother and her character from the 2004 film, Allie, when he mentioned that they both suffered from a neurodegenerative disease.

He said: “I asked my mom to play older Allie, and we spent a lot of time talking about Alzheimer's and wanting to be real with her, and now for five years she's been suffering of Alzheimer's disease. He further explained: She is in complete dementia. And it's so crazy that we lived it, she played it, and now it's our fault.” Rowlands' character in the romantic film also suffered from dementia.

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Rowlands battles Alzheimer's disease on set of The Notebook

According to Entertainment Weekly, Rowland's mother also suffered from Alzheimer's disease and the subject was sensitive for her. During an interview with O magazine in 2004, she revealed that witnessing her mother's Alzheimer's disease impacted her decision to play the role of Allie in the film.

This film was particularly hard for her, I experienced it with my mother, and if Nick hadn't directed the film, I don't think I would have accepted, it's too hard. It was a tough but wonderful film.

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Cassavetes looks back on a particular episode of his mother on the set of The Notebook

Looking back on the days of filming the sets of The Notebook, Cassavetes remembered a particular episode from the sets of The Notebook where she was asked to reshoot a scene and she couldn't believe the reshoot was scheduled because of his performance. He said: “We go to reshoots, and now it's one of those things where mom gets upset and I asked her, 'Can you do it, mom?' She said, “I can do anything.” And she actually did.

The relevance and success of The Notebook is surreal and the film's director agreed, fondly remembering the last two decades of making the film: “It's always a shock to hear that so much time has passed passed, but it makes I'm just happy that it exists. It seems to have worked and I'm very proud of it, he said.




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