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Tamayo Perry: What you need to know about the death of the actor-surfer

Tamayo Perry: What you need to know about the death of the actor-surfer


Tamayo Perry, the professional surfer and actor who died Monday in an apparent shark attack off Oahus' North Shore, was remembered by colleagues and family as a legendary sailor and man of faith.

Here's what you need to know about him and the circumstances of his death:

who was he?

The 49-year-old was a professional surfer, lifeguard and stuntman who also appeared in the hit films Blue Crush, Charlie's Angels 2 and Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, as well as the television series Hawaii Five-0 and Lost .

When I'm not acting, I'm still a character, so there's always a lot of fun to be had, he said in his official bio on his company's website. Oahu Surfing Experience.

Perry, who was born and raised in a small country town on Oahu on the eastern North Shore, was a knight forged during the North Shore wildfires of the 1990s, his family said. He also co-founded and offered surf lessons through Oahu Surfing Experience with his wife Emilia and worked as a lifeguard on the North Shore. He began his career within the Ocean Security department in July 2016.

Tamayo Perry was a lifeguard loved by all. He was well known on the North Shore. He is a professional surfer known around the world, Honolulu Ocean Safety Acting Chief Kurt Lager said at a news conference. press conference. Tamayo's personality was contagious, and although people loved him, he loved everyone more.

Before that, he surfed professionally for over 15 years. He bragged about getting paid to surf the Pipeline, which he described as the deadliest wave in the world, according to his professional biography.

He launched onto the world stage after winning the prestigious Pipeline Masters events in 1999, allowing a small island boy to keep pace with the world's best at the Pipe Masters competition. He then competed in Tahupoo, Tahiti, against Andy Irons, Kelly Slater and Vetea David in the industry billed Super Final.

The surfer said a freak accident that turned into a near-fatal experience at Pipeline ultimately led him to teach; his goal was to instill surfing etiquette and safety in those he instructed.

What happened?

Local authorities said Perry was surfing on Mlaekahana Beach Lake, near an area known as Goat Island on Oahu's northeast coast, and died Sunday afternoon in the attack.

Honolulu Ocean Safety and the city's fire, police and emergency medical services responded to the beach just before 1 p.m. after a caller reported seeing a man who appeared to have suffered more than one shark bite , Shayne Enright of the Honolulu Department of Emergency Services said Monday. in a statement to the Los Angeles Times. Rescuers brought Perry to shore by jet ski and paramedics helped pronounce him dead.

After the incident, Ocean Safety staff posted warnings about sharks in the area, Enright said.

No official cause of death has yet been announced and it is unclear what type of shark attacked him.

How common are shark attacks in this area?

Perry's death is believed to be the ninth fatal shark attack in Hawaii in the past 20 years. Honolulu News Now reported Monday. This is said to be the only fatality in that time that did not occur in the waters off the island of Maui.

The actor's death was one of four shark incidents in Hawaii this year, according to the states. Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources. Only a dozen shark species, out of more than 300, have been implicated in human attacks, according to the National Ocean Service said, and these attacks usually occur when the shark is confused or curious.

Although attacks are still statistically rare, annual shark attacks and human deaths increased in 2023, according to the University of Florida. International Shark Attack File. ISAF, a database of global shark attacks, reported in February that there were 69 unprovoked confirmed cases worldwide last year, 10 of which were fatal. This number corresponds to the most recent five-year average (between 2018 and 2022) of 63 incidents per year.

A potential factor in this increase is climate change, according to the researchers. saidbut the increase could also be due to a combination of increasing numbers of people being in the ocean each year and an increased emphasis on reporting bites and deaths.

Perry, who described himself as a Jaws fan, wrote on Facebook in 2015 that sharks freak me out and only the Lord can tell when it's your time. In another post, he said he could feel the presence of sharks while he was surfing, the Daily Beast reported.

What did Perry's family and colleagues say?

Tamayo Perry wearing a blue rashguard and surfing in Tahiti

Tamayo Perry of Hawaii in action during round three of the 2003 Billabong Pro Trials in Teahupoo, Tahiti, French Polynesia.

(Pierre Tostee/Getty Images)

In a later statement to The Times job On social media, Perry's family memorialized him as a hero.

He was everyone's big brother, stern and uncompromising with an infectious, kolohe smile. He was your savior in times of need, your security when everything fell apart. He was a knight forged in the fires of the North Shore in the 90s, his faith in Christ the rock on which he stood. Few people truly follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Tamayo never took his eyes off the path, the statement said.

As tragic as his passing was, he left this world to do what he loved where he loved to do it. We find strength in knowing that he is in heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ, trading barrels at Pipeline with his friends who have gone before him.

How the surfing world reacted

Oahu's ocean community is reportedly reeling from the attack. An informal memorial for Perry was erected Monday near his lifeguard station on Banzai Pipeline, according to Hawaii News Now. There, his longtime colleague, Lt. Dave Wassel of the Honolulu Department of Oceans, spoke about the unique situation the community had found itself in.

There's nothing in the manual explaining how to navigate it, Wassel told the news channel. There are people alive today because of the successful CPR he performed on them. That's something you can't say about a lot of people, so it's great to see.

In a statement to The Times, Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi said Perry embodied courage, commitment and a deep sense of duty, serving our community with unwavering dedication.

His heroic actions and tireless efforts to keep our residents and visitors safe will never be forgotten, the mayor said. As we mourn this unimaginable loss, we remember the inherent risks our rescuers face daily, and we express our deepest gratitude for their service.

The World Surf League tweeted condolences to Perry's family as they mourn the beloved icon, who was a member of the league for many years.

His legacy

While the family asked for privacy, his wife has since set up a GoFundMe fundraiser Titled Supporting the Legacy of Tamayo Perry, the campaign launched Monday with a goal of raising $100,000. As of Tuesday afternoon, it had surpassed $38,000.

His company said it would announce a celebration of life at a later date.




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