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'House Of The Dragon' Actor Gets Harassed By Fans

'House Of The Dragon' Actor Gets Harassed By Fans


A frustrating feature of Internet fandom is that many people cannot separate fact from fiction. Take Fabien Frankel, for example.

He is the actor who plays Criston Cole in the HBO television series. Dragon House. Following the last episode, in which Criston was promoted to Hand by Aegon II while he was too busy fucking the king's mother an episode before to prevent Jaehaerys' death, he had to limit replies on his Instagram due to threats he received. from so-called “fans”. Comments such as “Man, I hope someone jumps this guy” and “I hate you,” according to the screenshots.

That's pretty mean.

You know why Dragon House viewers hate Criston Cole? Because he sucks, of course, but also because Frankel is a good actor! You're supposed to hate this failed hunk, and Frankel plays him with just the right amount of pathetic rage! The only good thing to come out of these vile comments that went viral is that there has since been an outpouring of support for Frankel on social media.

“like you can’t separate an actor from a character!!!!!!! Fabien Frankel is so nice and really a very nice human and it's ridiculous”, a user on X wrotewhile another added, “I despise it when people do that. Please take a step back and instead praise Fabien Frankel for his incredible work as Criston Cole. You hate his character for a reason. Performance gives way Dragon House are lovely.” They are right to say so.

Here's more:

Interestingly, actor Jack Gleeson, who played the even more despised Joffrey Baratheon in Game Of Thrones, has not faced this problem. “Luckily I’ve never had any negative experiences with fans or anything…. There's still a chance, if someone wants to throw a punch. he said At Game Of Thrones Convention in 2022. “A lot of people come up to me because I guess this rumor started that people were horrible to me on the street or I was getting mugged when I never had a single negative experience. ” Still, maybe he can give Frankel some advice on how to deal with Internet weirdos.

New episodes of Dragon House airs Sundays on HBO and Max.




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