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Bollywood Roundup: Kareena Kapoor Khan, Kamal Haasan, Shah Rukh Khan and more…

Bollywood Roundup: Kareena Kapoor Khan, Kamal Haasan, Shah Rukh Khan and more…


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Kareena Reveals Her Favorite Group Chat With All Its Juice, Links Saif With Rolling Eyes Emojis

Mumbai – Bollywood Diva Kareena Kapoor Khan On Wednesday, she revealed her favorite mobile chat group with her girlfriends and said it has all the juice.

Kareena, who joined the WhatsApp channels, shared a video on Instagram answering the questions. The actress was asked about her favorite chat group.

To which she replied: “It has to be Guts 2.0.” It's a nice group with only girls, which I'm not going to reveal, but there's all the juice on it. »

Kareena's closest friends in the industry include Amrita Arora, Malaika Arora and her sister Karisma Kapoor. The four are often seen spending quality girl time together.

The actress was then asked what her strangest food combination was, to which she replied, “My food combinations are commercial favorites like chicken curry rice, Rajma chawal and kadi chawal. »

What emoticon does it refer to?

Pat came up with the answer: I don't know. Queen.

What about Saif, to which she replied: Saif always rolls his eyes. So let's go with rolling eyes.

Talking about who is more naughty, Taimur or Jeh, Kareena said: I think it has to be Jeh. He's always planning something.

The actress then shared that it's a tizz and it's a saga are her two favorite phrases that she uses the most these days when chatting on the phone.

When asked how many times a day she chats with her sister Karisma, Kareena replied: I think Saif should answer this question because he's like you always message Lolo. I don't know a few hundred times

Talking about her big screen work, Kareenas' next is a crime thriller starring Meghna Gulzar. It also stars Ayushmann Khurrana. The film is reportedly based on the Hyderabad rape case.

Shah Rukh Khan is an art connoisseur: Kamal Haasan

New Delhi- Kamal Haasanwho shared screen space with Shah Rukh Khan In Hey Ram, he paid a heartfelt tribute to the superstar, calling him a connoisseur of art.

I don't see a superstar in Shah Rukh Khan and he doesn't see a super director in me. We are friends. He made this film for free. This cannot be done by a superstar but only by a fan. He is an art connoisseur and a good actor. I am always grateful to him. We don't see all this. Later, you (media) give us the title and we accept it very timidly, said Kamal Hassan while talking about his working equation with SRK on the sidelines of Indian 2 promotion.

Kamal Haasan also shared a poignant insight into their professional relationship and the impact of Indian audiences on his career.

He said, “I was just a South Indian actor; you made me an Indian actor. I didn't know a word of Hindi when I was doing my first film, I was just like the hero of Ek Duje Ke Liye and without your support and applause, I wouldn't have been able to return to that stage.

Directed by Shankar, Indian 2, is a vigilante action thriller, starring Kamal Haasan in the lead, reprising his role as Senapathy, an aging freedom fighter-turned-vigilante who fights against corruption.

The film also stars Siddharth, SJ Suryah, Rakul Preet Singh, Bobby Simha, Vivek, Priya Bhavani Shankar, Gulshan Grover, Samuthirakani and Nedumudi Venu in the ensemble cast and is scheduled to release on 12 July 2024.

Akshay Kumars Martial Arts Trainees Get Jobs In IT Department

Mumbai – Bollywood Actor Akshay Kumar is delighted that the students of his martial arts academy have been placed in the Income Tax (IT) department in Mumbai.

Akshay took to Instagram, where he posted photos posing alongside the newly minted students holding their appointment orders.

The Khiladi of Bollywood said he was extremely happy.

He captioned the image: I am extremely happy that Kudo, the martial art for which my company provides training, has been recognized for nomination under the sports quotas.

Just see the smile of my students when they receive their appointment letter from the Income Tax Department, Mumbai. Made me so emotional and so proud, added the actor.

The 56-year-old star, who has been in the industry for over three decades and himself trained in several forms of martial arts such as karate, taekwondo and Muay Thai, is one of highest paid actors in Bollywood.

After starting his career in 1991 with Saugandh, he has acted in several film genres. He paved the way with the Khiladi series. He was later seen in films including Mohra, Dhadkan, Andaaz, Namastey London, Hera Pheri franchise, Mujhse Shaadi Karogi, Bhool Bhulaiyaa, Singh Is Kinng, Ajnabee, Garam Masala, Holiday: A Soldier Is Never Off Duty, Rowdy Rathore , Kesari and Sooryavanshi to name a few.

On June 24, Akshay joined the Mumbai tree plantation drive to honor his late parents, Hari Om Bhatia and Aruna Bhatia, by participating in a tree plantation drive in Mumbai.

Looking ahead, the actor, whose last release was 'Bade Miyan Chote Miyan' with Tiger Shroff, will next appear in 'Sarfira'.

The film showcases the journey of Veer Mhatre whose main objective is to introduce low-cost air carriers.

It is inspired by the life of GR Gopinath, the founder of the Indian low-cost airline Simplifly Deccan. Sarfira is a remake of Suriya's hit Tamil film 'Soorarai Pottru'.

Pranitaa Pandit enjoyed water sports, snorkeling and great food during her Maldives vacation

Mumbai – Actress Pranita Panditwho recently took a trip to the Maldives with family and friends, shared how much she enjoyed water sports, delicious food and snorkeling.

Talking about the trip, Pranitaa, known for her show Kasam Tere Pyaar Ki, said, During our trip, we really enjoyed the water sports and delicious food. A particularly memorable moment was filming and snorkeling. My daughter Anysha was excited to see baby sharks for the very first time and loved it. This experience brought us all closer together and created a lasting memory for our family.

Speaking about her travel companions, she said: I was traveling with friends who are like family, and that added a special touch to any trip. I traveled with my family and my friend Shiny Doshi, and their presence made the trip even more enjoyable and meaningful. These friends provide support, share the joy of new experiences, and create lasting memories that strengthen the bond between us.

Pranitaa added: We spent five wonderful days in the Maldives. With my daughter Anysha now in school, all of our vacations revolve around her schedule, which has been a big change for us. Our holidays are now more planned and structured, ensuring we make the most of our time together while still meeting his school commitments.

The actress shared that she wants to travel more.

I would love to travel regularly, but with family it requires better planning. While spontaneous trips were more common in the past, traveling as a family requires careful preparation to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone involved, she concluded.

On the work front, she has acted in shows like Do Hanson Ka Joda, Kaali: Ek Agnipariksha, Kavach, Jamai Raja and Uttaran.

Richa Chadha is all set to work on his next project and it will be a comedy film

Mumbai – Actress Richa Chadhawho is due to welcome her firstborn in July, has signed on for her next comedy film and work is set to begin in October.

The script of the film, which is a comedy genre, is already ready and has been written by Amitosh Nagpal. The film is set in northern India.

Richa commented on her work during her maternity vacation: Although I cannot speak for all women, because each person's journey depends, I am determined to return to work as soon as possible and not take a long break, because I have ongoing commitments.

The actress, who is married to star Ali Fazal, said she takes inspiration from her own mother, who handled both roles with grace and efficiency.

I believe I can handle both of these tasks effectively as well, as it depends on the type of support system you have around you and the active participation of your partner. In my case, I feel lucky to have understood both of these things, she said.

She doesn't think it's out of the ordinary.

I've seen Mumbai's badass women riding local trains until their 9th month, commuting to work, looking perfectly groomed with their gajras intact. I'm very inspired by the average Indian woman and I don't want this to be treated as a medical issue, it's not. It’s a natural part of life.”

A source close to the film's production said that Richa loved the script and it was a really fun concept.

Pre-production work is expected to take place in August and will start in October. The film is expected to be shot as winter approaches in the north, she added. (IANS)





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