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Bobs Burgers' Jay Johnston to plead guilty in Jan. 6 case

Bobs Burgers' Jay Johnston to plead guilty in Jan. 6 case


Actor Jay Johnston, who played Jimmy Pesto Sr. on the Fox animated sitcom Bobs Burgers, has agreed to plead guilty in the federal case against him for his participation in the riot at the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Authorities arrested Mr. Johnston, 55, in California last summer and charged him with four counts, including civil disorder and entering restricted grounds. Mr. Johnston agreed to plead guilty to a single count of civil disorder in exchange for dropping the other charges, according to a person familiar with the matter who spoke on condition of anonymity. A plea agreement hearing is scheduled for July 8 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

A charge of civil unrest is a maximum prison sentence of five yearsor a fine, or both.

Mr. Johnston was a regular on the groundbreaking 1990s television comedy Mr. Show with Bob and David, and later had recurring roles on The Sarah Silverman Program and Arrested Development. His film credits included Anchorman and Men in Black II.

He was quickly named by internet sleuths when the FBI released photos of him at the Capitol on January 6, 2021 in a post on social media asking for the public's help in identifying it.

Authorities also identified Mr. Johnston through police body camera and security footage showing him pushing officers and helping rioters through a tunnel leading to the Capitol, according to an affidavit prepared by the FBI.

He is seen taking photos of the crowd, motioning for others to join the campaign and giving water to the rioters, who used it to wash their eyes, according to the affidavit.

Additionally, three people who know Mr. Johnston identified him to investigators in the Capitol footage. One of those people showed investigators a text message sent by Mr. Johnston in which he admitted to being at the Capitol.

The news presented it as an attack, the post said, according to court documents. In reality, this was not the case. I thought it had somehow become that. It was a mess. I was macerated and tear gassed and found it quite inconvenient.

Mr. Johnston had also booked a round-trip trip from Los Angeles to Washington, D.C., with his flight departing on January 4, 2021 and returning three days later, according to court documents.

The Daily Beast, an online news site, reported in December 2021 that Mr. Johnston lost his job voicing Jimmy Pesto Sr. on Bobs Burgers after allegations spread that he had been at the Capitol.

Mr. Johnston is among more than 1,500 people charged for actions related to the Capitol riot on January 6. according to the Department of Justice. He is expected to join more than 800 people who have pleaded guilty to charges.

Alan Fire contributed reports.




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