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Film, TV crew members reach deal with Hollywood studios to avoid strike | Movies

Film, TV crew members reach deal with Hollywood studios to avoid strike |  Movies


The union that represents film and television crews has reached a deal with Hollywood studios that will avert a major strike, a welcome development after the industry experienced significant labor turmoil last year.

The International Alliance of Theater Stage Workers (Iatse) and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) announced Tuesday that they have reached a tentative three-year agreement that will affect approximately 50,000 crew members.

If approved, the deal would result in wage increases, artificial intelligence protections and streaming residuals for union members including costume designers, hair stylists, makeup artists, art directors, painters and sets, camera technicians and editors. Union members will vote on whether or not to ratify the agreement.

The news came as a relief to Hollywood, where the industry has yet to recover from being shut down for much of last year. Actors and writers went on strike last year, and months-long work stoppages effectively shut down film and television production. This year, workers have reported struggling to find work because there is fewer jobs available as the industry slows and studios have cut spending.

AMPTP, which represents studios, streaming services and companies such as Disney, Netflix, Warner Bros. Discovery and Amazon Prime, is the same group that has struggled to reach an agreement with writers and actors l 'last year.

Last week, nearly 400 industry members, including Mark Ruffalo, Kerry Washington, Ryan Coogler and Seth Rogen, signed a letter of solidarity with the union, expressing support for their demands and urging the studios to offer a fair contract. Deadline reported.

These crew members dedicate their lives to their artistry and their departments, working long hours in often difficult conditions to bring stories to life, the letter states. Being able to do their jobs safely and being paid fairly is essential for our members to do our jobs. Nothing happens without the crew.

Iatse’s contract was set to expire in July, but now, with a tentative agreement in hand, Hollywood is unlikely to see another major strike this year. Members must still vote to ratify the deal, and a separate agreement affecting about 20,000 crew members across the United States is still under negotiation.

Iatse has not yet revealed the full terms of his tentative deal with the studios, but said in a statement statement that it includes new protections around artificial intelligence, including language that ensures that no employee is required to provide AI prompts in a manner that would result in the displacement of a covered employee.

The deal will also result in rate increases of 7%, 4% and 3.5% over three years, a tripling of hours for workers every time their workday exceeds 15 hours and payments from studios to help to cover a deficit in the union health insurance budget.

The union will release a full summary of the tentative agreement later this week, he said.

The Associated Press contributed to this report




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