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Twin Cities Jazz Festival is coming to the Twin Cities – The Minnesota Daily


From Thursday to Sunday, the Twin Cities Jazz Festival hosted more than 80 performances at more than 20 different venues throughout the Twin Cities.

The festival's main stage was at Mears Park in Lowertown St. Paul. Most of the other places were located nearby.

Dayna Martinez, who is in her first year as the festival's executive director, said she wants to find new venues within walking distance of the festival's main stage that are willing to allow free entry to festival attendees. jazz.

Martinez said the priority is to present diverse programming. Musicians of varying ages, genders, ethnicities and experience levels shared the festival stages.

The festival was also musically diverse, featuring an array of different styles, including salsa groups, hot-club bands, big bands and even R&B singers. Martinez said she worked with local jazz curators to select artists for the festival lineup.

“It feels like I'm having a giant party in the park and it's a really great feeling to see people having a good time, having fun and coming together to listen to fabulous music,” said Martinez.

Kavyesh Kaviraj performed on the main stage on Saturday with his quintet and said the festival organizers did a great job of selecting diverse artists who represent the world and what it looks like.

Kaviraj said he has played at the festival for eight years alongside local artists, and this is his first year performing original music. Aside from performing and promoting his debut album, released in July, Kaviraj said he was excited to see some of his Walker West Music Academy students take the stage before him.

Not long ago, I was a student myself, Kaviraj said. I am very inspired by the beautiful originality that emerges.

Kaviraj wasn't the only artist returning to the festival. Salsa del Soul, a group specializing in Spanish-speaking Caribbean music that first played at the festival in 2003, performed Saturday on the 5th Street Stage in Mears Park.

We're always honored to be included, said Shai Hayo, one of the group's percussionists. We love supporting the community, we love supporting our peers, and we love being able to represent some of the musical talent available in our cities. And also, it's just fun.

Prior to filming Salsa del Souls, Avant Garde, a multidisciplinary production and entertainment company, presented its first show.

Chadwick Phillips, founder and CEO of Avant Garde, said he was honored to perform at the Twin Cities Jazz Festival. For the show, Phillips wanted to create a classic, stunning, energetic moment right there on that stage.

The Avant Gardes show, hosted by Phillips, featured two local singers, Jordan Avent and Jackson Hurst, who performed songs ranging from Michael Jackson to OutKast. A group of individual musicians came together and brought elements of jazz improvisation to the set, including a shredding guitar solo during a cover of the song Killing Me Softly With His Song.

The festival also featured contemporary jazz musicians, such as JC Sanford, whose electric quartet used effects unfamiliar to jazz, such as distortion. Although he had performed at previous editions of the festival, this was the first time Sanford had performed it with his electric quartet.

I like the idea that there is music everywhere, he says. There's all these different venues, there's a mix of big bands from out of town mixed in with all the local acts.




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