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Netflix Raises the Bar for Superhero Shows

Netflix Raises the Bar for Superhero Shows


In his new Netflix series, “Supacell,” creator Rapman examines the lives of five ordinary black people from South London who develop unexpected superpowers. While excitement about supernatural abilities and sci-fi magic ripples through the series, the series also explores major themes that disproportionately affect black people, including human trafficking, extreme surveillance , pervasive global anti-blackness, and predatory medical practices.

“Supacell” opens with a shocking event. An older black woman is seen running down a dark hallway, wearing only a hospital gown. As she walks toward the sunlight, she is shot down. His limp body is then carried back through the facility while the prisoners – all black – watch in horror from their glass cells. From there, the setting moves into more familiar territory. Viewers find themselves in the modern streets of South London, where we meet Michael (a brilliant Tosin Cole), a parcel delivery boy eager to propose to his long-term girlfriend, Dionne (Adelayo Adedayo). Elsewhere in the neighborhood, André (Eric Kofi Abrefa) is determined to reconnect with his teenage son after his stint in prison.

Meanwhile, Tazer (Josh Tedeku), a small-time gang leader, plots revenge against his rivals. Meanwhile, Sabrina (Nadine Mills), a sweet and empathetic nurse, is desperate for a promotion, although her sister Sharleen (Rayxia Ojo) warns her not to get her hopes up. Finally, Rodney (Calvin Demba), an aimless weed dealer, is struggling to make a living.

Michael, Tazer, Sabrina, Andre, and Rod are not related in any obvious way. Yet Rapman carefully illustrates how these individuals circle around each other in various restaurants and institutions in South London neighborhoods. Triggered by various stresses and daily anxieties, the five accidentally activate their various powers – all of which begin with a flash of orange in their pupils. What's most interesting about “Supacell” is how everyone uses their abilities. While Tazer and Rod quickly activate their new energies for personal gain, Andre worries about how to proceed. Meanwhile, Sabrina is horrified, especially when she inadvertently hurts someone. But it's Michael who has the most at stake. After inadvertently teleporting into the future, he learns that he must connect with the other four if he hopes to stop a tragedy that will shatter his world forever.

Amid the onslaught of Marvel and DC Comics titles in film and television, the superhero genre is not uncommon. “Supacell” takes on the familiar and sometimes predictable themes of these types of projects, including ultraviolence, teamwork and hardship. Additionally, some small stories lean toward the absurd, like Dionne and Michael's luxury car and apartment in London with the salaries of a delivery driver and a social worker. Additionally, a club scene in Episode 3, “Sabrina”, shows Sabrina leaving Sharleen alone on the club dance floor for a bathroom trip, which would never happen.

Still, Rapman's exploration of what it means specifically for black people to gain powers makes the series unique. Throughout the series, Andre is forced to confront his criminal past as he struggles to keep his job. Despite her skills as a nurse, Sabrina faces both overt racism and sexual harassment at work. All of our heroes also face gang culture and knife violence in their South London neighborhood. Through it all, while Michael is desperate to form a bond with his fellow heroes, they are all hyper-focused on themselves. As a result, “Supacell” examines how individualism has caused fractures in Western societies, particularly in black communities that previously thrived on collectivity. The show also reflects on why our reliance on technology undoubtedly comes at a cost.

The series features a range of storylines and characters, but the relationship between Michael and Dionne is at the heart of “Supacell.” The depth, subtleties, and beauty of Black love are so rarely presented on screen that seeing a young couple who have built a life together from adolescence to adulthood is beautiful to behold. Throughout the show, the audience is privy to the duo's ups and downs and why our desire to shelter loved ones does not necessarily spare them from anguish and hardship.

In December 2020, Black people gathered on social media platforms to joke about gaining superpowers when, on the 21st of that month, Saturn and Jupiter aligned for the first time in 400 years, and Black Twitter was abuzz saying the cosmic event would unlock extraordinary skills in black people. This was wishful thinking, of course, but the memes, tweets, and TikTok videos were enjoyable nonetheless. However, as “Supacell” suggests, for a community that has been continually victimized and discriminated against for generations, the acquisition of ultrahuman abilities by black people would generate a diverse set of problems. In fact, it could quickly turn into a nightmare for the entire race, especially if those who hold true power in society use these distinct qualities for their own benefit.

“Supacell” will be released on June 27 on Netflix.




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