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Spicks and Specks was a career launching pad for more than just its beloved hosts

Spicks and Specks was a career launching pad for more than just its beloved hosts


Established in 2005, Spicks and Specks had the auspicious honor of recruiting new faces to become teammates of Myf Warhurst and Alan Brough, unaware of how quickly their stars would rise in the future.

Now there's a new season of Spicks and Specks running around the traps, and these newcomers have now entered the world, becoming artists you know and love.

So we delved into the archives to show you how far we’ve come.

Hamish Blake First appearance: 2005

Gaze in wonder and delight at 23-year-old Hamish Blake's new face and blunt bangs in an early episode of Spicks and Specks, February 2005.

Image of Hamish Blake on Spicks and Specks in 2005

Look at his thin face!(Provided)

At the time, Hamish was only two years into his partnership with Andy Lee and still a month away from the premiere of Hamish & Andy.

He would go on to appear in over 50 more episodes even though he wasn't very good at musical trivia. (Not that he ever let that stop him.) Here he is in 2011 with a noticeably fluffier hairstyle, singing alongside Australian musical theater stalwart Anthony Warlow.

Gotye First appearance: 2007

Many people, and especially Americansrefuse to believe that Wally De Backer, aka Gotye, was a respected and prolific musician in Australia BEFORE he applied geometric paint to sing about someone he knew.

So here he is in all his 2007 glory: his old pal Wally talks about how he composes his computer-assisted music, while Adam Hills introduces him by both his real name and his pseudonym. OK, is it fixed? Now go listen to Heart's a Mess.


Florence Welch First appearance: 2010

Florence & The Machine were already destined for greatness when their lead singer appeared on Spicks and Specks, six months after the release of their debut Lungs.

It's almost shocking to see Flo sandwiched between Alan and comedian Dave Callan, knowing the megastar journey she was about to embark on. Just hearing Adam Hills call Dog Days Are Over a “new single” might give you a little punch in the chest.

But Flo turns out to be a pretty handy teammate; I'm sure Spicks and Specks would love to have her next time she comes to Australia for an arena tour.


Hannah Gadsby First appearance: 2010

In 2024, Hannah Gadsby is an internationally known, Emmy Award-winning comedian who recently appeared on John Mulaney's Netflix talk show, Everybody's in LA.

By 2010, they had been on the Australian comedy scene for a few years and were preparing for their third solo show, The Cliff Young Shuffle. Their hair may be flatter and their costumes have a more earthy color palette, but Hannah's signature wry humor shines through in this short clip.

Two years after this episode, Adam Hills would cast Hannah as offside on his short-lived talk show, Adam Hills in Gordon St Tonight. Five years later, they would debut Nanette and completely shake up the way people conceptualize stand-up.

Sia First appearance: 2010

Sia is another one of those artists who has a very different impact on American audiences than she does in Australia.




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