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The Green Lantern series is finally coming to HBO

The Green Lantern series is finally coming to HBO


HBO is finally signing up with the Lantern Corps.

The premium cable distributor has placed a direct series order for Lanternsbased on the long-running Green Lantern characters – particularly John Stewart and Hal Jordan – from DC Comics. Chris Mundy (Ozark) will serve as showrunner for the eight-episode drama and will co-write the series with Damon Lindelof (Lost Guardians) and Eisner Award winner Tom King, known for his work on several Batman the titles, Mister Miracle And Supergirl: the woman of tomorrow for DC Comics.

The (hum) green light for Lanterns comes almost five years after what was then HBO Max began developing a Green Lantern series with producer Greg Berlanti – the mastermind behind DC Arrow-verse on The CW and one of the writers of 2011 The Green Lantern feature film starring Ryan Reynolds. The series' first swing was to focus on Green Lanterns Guy Gardner and Alan Scott. Seth Grahame-Smith came on board as writer and showrunner, and the series introduced Finn Wittrock and Jeremy Irvine as Gardner and Scott.

However, a creative overhaul of the series in 2022 saw Grahame-Smith leave (despite having written a full season's worth of scripts) and the series refocusing around John Stewart, another member of the Lantern Corps and the first super- black hero to appear in DC. Comic books. The series' overhaul coincided with – but was not caused by – Warner Bros.' installation of the series. Discovery from James Gunn and Peter Safran as heads of DC Studios, responsible for launching and managing a new DC Universe in film and television.

In early 2023, DC Studios completely scrapped the Berlanti-led Green Lantern show in favor of Lanterns. “Greg's vision was more of a space opera that he wanted to make,” Safran said at a press event unveiling DC's new slate. “Our vision is more True Detective, rather a story of terrestrial investigation. We all agreed to go our separate ways.

It may not be a coincidence that Mundy is leaving the HBO series. True Detective: Land of the Nightwhere he was an executive producer and wrote two episodes. He also earned five Emmy nominations for writing and producing the hit Netflix drama. Ozark.

“We are thrilled to bring this flagship DC title to HBO with Chris, Damon and Tom at the helm,” Gunn and Safran said in a statement. “John Stewart and Hal Jordan are two of DC's most fascinating characters, and Lanterns brings them to life in an original detective story that forms a fundamental part of the unified DCU that we launch next summer with Superman.”

Casey Bloys, Chairman and CEO of HBO and Max Content, added: “We are thrilled to welcome back Chris Mundy and Damon Lindelof as they team up with Tom for this new DC release. The Green Lantern. Part of James and Peter's vision for the DC Universe, this first new live-action series will mark an exciting new era.

Warner Bros. Television and DC Studios will produce Lanterns. Mundy, Lindelof and King produce and write the series.




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