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Bill Cobbs, actor who built his career on poignant older roles, has died at 90


Bill Cobbs, the veteran actor who became omnipresent on screen as an older man, died on June 25. He was 90 years old.

Mr. Cobbs died at his home in the Inland Empire, east of Los Angeles, his publicist Chuck I. Jones said. No cause was noted.

A native of Cleveland, Mr. Cobbs has appeared in such films as The Hudsucker Proxy (1994), The Bodyguard (1992) and Night at the Museum (2006). He made his first appearance on the big screen in a short-lived role in The Taking of Pelham One Two Three in 1974 and racked up some 200 film and television credits.

The lion's share was in his 50s and 60s, as filmmakers and TV producers turned to him again and again to imbue small but vital roles with a dried-out, worn-out soul.

Mr. Cobbs has appeared on television shows such as The Sopranos, The West Wing, Sesame Street and Good Times. He was Whitney Houston's manager in The Bodyguard, the mystical watchmaker in the Coen brothers' The Hudsucker Proxy and the doctor in John Sayles' Sunshine State (2002). He played the coach in Air Bud (1997), the security guard in Night at the Museum, and the father in the television series The Gregory Hines Show from 1997 to 1999.

Mr. Cobbs rarely got the kind of major roles that stand out and win awards. Instead, he was a familiar, memorable man who left an impression on audiences, regardless of screen time. He won a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Limited Performance in a Daytime Program in the Series Dino Dana in 2020.

Wendell Pierce, who starred alongside Mr. Cobbs on Ill Fly Away and The Gregory Hines Show from 1991 to 1993, remembers Mr. Cobbs as a father figure, a griot, an artist iconic that, by the way he led his life as an actor, he wrote on the social media platform X.

Wilbert Francisco Cobbs was born in Cleveland on June 16, 1934.

After graduating from high school, he served eight years in the United States Air Force. In the years following his service, Mr. Cobbs sold cars. One day, a client asked him if he wanted to act in a play. Mr. Cobbs first appeared on stage in 1969.

He began acting in theater in Cleveland and then moved to New York where he joined the Negro Ensemble Company, acting alongside Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee.

Mr. Cobbs later said that acting seemed to him a way to express the human condition, particularly during the civil rights movement of the late 1960s.

To be an artist, you have to have a sense of giving, Mr. Cobbs said in a 2004 interview. Art is a kind of prayer, isn't it? We respond to what we see around us, what we feel, and how things affect us mentally and spiritually.




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