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Amitabh Bachchan arrived on set before the cleaners, Rajesh Khanna was always late: Sharmila Tagore compares them to Ranbir Kapoor, Ranveer Singh | Bollywood News

Amitabh Bachchan arrived on set before the cleaners, Rajesh Khanna was always late: Sharmila Tagore compares them to Ranbir Kapoor, Ranveer Singh |  Bollywood News


Sharmila Tagore, considered one of the greatest actresses in the history of Indian cinema and a Padma Bhushan awardee, recently spoke about the stars of her era who did not appreciate time. Taking examples of actors of her time and today, the veteran star explained how things regarding time have changed in Bollywood. Speaking about it in detail, Sharmila said that the Hindi film industry is much more disciplined: “Even if you are Ranveer Singh or Ranbir Kapoor, you will be reconsidered (in a film) if you are late.”

In a recent conversation with legal eagle Kapil Sibal, Sharmila Tagore revealed, “Shashi Kapoor was the first to be on time and Amitabh took a little head start as he would be the first to arrive before anything the world, even before the cleaners arrived. In Sanjeev Kumar's case, you could only suggest time, but everyone, even Rajesh Khanna, was late.

Because of this, everyone on the set, including Tagore, who was a working mother, was suffering. When Sibal asked him, “You worked in two shifts, morning and evening, and you had to take care of your children and if someone came 4-5 hours late, it would make your life impossible. »

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Agreeing with Sibal, Sharmila said: “Yes, you wanted to kill them, but you couldn't.”

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The actress, who has established herself as one of the leading actresses in Hindi cinema with films like Waqt, Daag, Amar Prem and Chupke Chupke, among others, spoke about how the issue of time has now changed.

She revealed: “That has now changed because the money is in place and they can't afford someone, so what they do now, they enter into a contract that says they will work for 10 hours or that they will work for 8 hours, from now on, let's say it. starts at 2 p.m. then continues for 10 hours or if they start at 4 p.m. they continue for 10 hours from there. So the contract is made accordingly, so if they want to wake up late or if they want to train, their training is very important. Like Akshay Kumar, he trains for 3-4 hours, then he runs for a while, then he starts working, so everything is fine. But making people wait for four hours, even if you are Ranveer Singh or Ranbir Kapoor, but if you are late for four hours, people will reconsider.

The actress, who has worked in over 100 films, was recently seen in the film Gulmohar alongside Manjoh Bajpayee.

Sharmila Tagore married Mansoor Ali Khan, a cricketer and son of Iftikhar ALiKhan Pataudi, the last ruler of the princely state of Pataudi during the British Raj. The couple has three children: Saif Ali Khan, Soha and Saba.

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