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Bill Cobb, Veteran Actor Known for His Roles in Demolition Man and Air Bud, Dies at 90

Bill Cobb, Veteran Actor Known for His Roles in Demolition Man and Air Bud, Dies at 90



Bill Cobbs, a veteran Hollywood actor known for his roles in Demolition Man, That Thing You Do! and Air Bud, among many others, died, according to a family member. He was 90 years old.

The news was confirmed by Cobbs' brother, Thomas Cobbs, who wrote on Facebook that the actor died peacefully on Tuesday at his home in California.

Beloved partner, big brother, uncle, surrogate parent, godfather and friend, Bill recently joyfully celebrated his 90th birthday surrounded by his loved ones, the post continued.

CNN has reached out to Cobbs' representatives for further comment.

With a career spanning five decades, Cobbs has accumulated nearly 200 film and television credits and appeared in many beloved titles, including the 1993 action thriller Demolition Man and the 1996 Oscar-nominated classic That Thing You Do!

The Cleveland native's career began in the mid-1970s when he made his stage debut, appearing in Broadway productions including Black Picture Show and The First Breeze of Summer. He also later appeared in stage productions for Ma Rainey's Black Bottom.

Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, Cobb's career took off. He has appeared in various television shows and TV movies, including Good Times, The Equalizer, One Life to Live and Sesame Street.

He has also appeared in a number of films, including The Hitter, Trading Places and the Academy Award-winning The Color of Money.

In 1987, Cobbs got another big break when he landed the role of The Dutchman opposite the late Dabney Coleman on the ABC sitcom The Slap Maxwell Story, appearing in every episode of the show's single season. He also played Webb Johnson in an episode of the legal drama series LA Law that same year.

(L to R) Mickey Rooney, Dick Van Dyke and Bill Cobbs in “Night at the Museum.”

The 1990s were a dynamic time for Cobbs. Alongside Whitney Houston and Kevin Costner, Cobbs starred as Devaney in the 1992 Oscar-nominated thriller The Bodyguard.

He appeared in the 1993 science fiction thriller Demolition Man, alongside Sylvester Stallone, Wesley Snipes and Sandra Bullock. In 1996, Cobbs played a fictional jazz pianist in the musical That Thing You Do! with Tom Hanks, Liv Tyler and Steve Zahn.

The following year, he played Arthur Chaney in the beloved family film Air Bud, about a Golden Retriever who plays on a high school basketball team.

On television, Cobbs had one-off roles on classic shows throughout the '90s, including ER, The Sopranos, The Wayans Bros. and Northern Exposure. He was also a regular on the first season of The Gregory Hines Show.

He went on to appear on a number of other iconic television shows of the era, including Six Feet Under, The West Wing, The Drew Carey Show NYPD Blue, and JAG. In 2006, he played Reginald in Night at the Museum directed by Shawn Levy and later reprized the character in the 2014 sequel Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb.

In 2013, Cobbs starred as Master Tinkerer in the film adaptation of The Fantasy World of Oz, based on the Oz books by author L. Frank Baum.

Cobbs appeared in 2020 on the TVOKids children's series Dino Dana, which earned him a Daytime Emmy for Outstanding Limited Performance in a Daytime Program. His last acting credit came in 2023, when he appeared in the television miniseries Incandescent Love.

Cobb's passion for theater never wavered throughout his decades-long career.

I love what I do, I really enjoy it, he said in a 2012 interview. interview. It's exciting to have a project, work on it and see it come to fruition, so I can find just as much joy in doing that.

This story has been updated with additional information.




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