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Bill Cobbs: Night at the Museum and Sopranos actor dies at age 90

Bill Cobbs: Night at the Museum and Sopranos actor dies at age 90


Bill Cobbs, the veteran actor who appeared in more than 120 films and television shows, has died. He was 90 years old.

He was best known for his film appearances in Night at the museum, The bodyguard And The Hudsucker Proxyas well as television shows The Sopranos, The west wing And Six feet Under ground.

He died Tuesday evening (June 25) at his home in Riverside, California, said his publicist Chuck Jones. TMZ.

Among the many fans paying tribute to Cobbs on social media was Abbott Elementary School star Sheryl Lee Ralph, who wrote: Emmy winner, working actor and wonderful human being, Bill Cobbs moved to a higher stage on June 25 after celebrating his 90th birthday on June 16 RIP.

Cobbs won his Emmy in 2020 for outstanding limited performance in a daytime program after appearing on a children's show Dino Dana.

Born in Cleveland, Ohio on June 16, 1934, Cobbs worked several jobs before embarking on a career in acting. He served in the U.S. Air Force as a radar technician for eight years before working for IBM and as a car salesman. It was not until 1970, at the age of 36, that he moved to New York to seek work on stage and screen.

Cobbs made his film debut with a brief appearance in the 1974 crime drama. The taking of Pelham one two three. He worked steadily throughout the 1980s and in 1992 landed the eye-catching role of Whitney Houston's manager in the romantic drama. The bodyguard. In 1994, the Coen brothers cast Cobbs as Moses in The Hudsucker Proxya central character whose mystical ability to stop time comes to the aid of Tim Robbins Norville Barnes.

In 1996, Cobbs played a jazz pianist in Tom Hanks This thing you do!, and went on to describe the coach who decided to let a basketball-playing dog join his team in 1997. Air Bud.

Cobbs joined the cast of The Sopranos in 2000, he played the elderly Reverend James Sr in the second season episode, Do Not Resuscitate. In 2001, he played Mr. Jones, blind and deaf, in Six feet Under groundand in 2002 he appeared in The west wing episode Enemies Foreign and Domestic.

Bill Cobbs with Julianne Nicholson and Gabriel Macht in NBC's The Others
Bill Cobbs with Julianne Nicholson and Gabriel Macht in NBC's The Others (Marni Grossman NBC, Inc./Getty Images)

Cobbs continued to work into his later years, playing the central role of retired security guard Reginald in 2006. Night at the museum and back for the rest of 2014.

In a statement posted to Facebook, his brother Thomas Cobbs wrote on behalf of his family: Bill died peacefully at his home in California. Beloved partner, big brother, uncle, surrogate parent, godfather and friend, Bill recently joyfully celebrated his 90th birthday surrounded by his loved ones. As a family, we are comforted to know that Bill has found peace and eternal rest with his Heavenly Father. We ask for your prayers and encouragement during this time.




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