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Hollywood Employees Union Reaches Tentative Agreement to Include AI Safeguards


The workers' union that represents the majority of Hollywood's film and television crews has reached a tentative three-year agreement with major studios that includes safeguards on the use of AI.

The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Workers, which includes more than 50,000 members of costume designers, camera operators and set designers, announced plans to ratify the agreement with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers, which represents NetflixDisney and more.

The agreement, known as the Basic Agreement, would include “a provision ensuring that no employee is required to provide Al prompts in a manner that would result in the displacement of a covered employee.”

Protections around the use of AI in Hollywood filmmaking were also included in the contract.

Wage increases and progression bonuses in the contract also amount to more than $1 billion over three years, according to union leaders.

In 2023, Disney formed a task force to study how GenAI can be used in its entertainment production.

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Disney said the expert group aimed to create a range of AI applications that could be used internally, according to a report. Reuters report.

Joseph Bori, GlobalData Thematic Research Directorsaid Verdict that the media industry is going to be significantly impacted by GenAI.

The large population of supporting and background actors as well as extras could be replaced entirely by software, Bori said.

In May 2023, the Writers Guild of America went on strike due to ongoing labor disputes with Hollywood's major studio companies, with the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) joining the picket lines later in July.

The strikers' demands include wage increases aligned with inflation, compensation for shows on streaming platforms, improved health and safety processes on set and protections against the use of AI in production. 'Film Industry.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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