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7 years after Justice League, Hollywood still can't stop insulting Wonder Woman

7 years after Justice League, Hollywood still can't stop insulting Wonder Woman



  • Hollywood continues to reduce Wonder Woman to cheap jokes, reflecting a larger problem with the representation of women in the industry.
  • Red One's disrespectful joke involving Wonder Woman highlights outdated humor that could harm its critical reception.
  • Wonder Woman deserves respect for the values ​​she represents, without being objectified for juvenile jokes in films like Red One.

Wonder Woman premiered seven years ago in 2017, but despite Gal Gadot's character retiring with the DCEU, Hollywood still reduces the character to a throwaway joke, as shown Red. Hollywood has a long and sinister history when it comes to the treatment of women in the industry. Although women are among Hollywood's biggest stars, attracting large audiences and inspiring young girls around the world, their roles are often minimal and rely on distasteful insinuations.

Gal Gadot became one of the most notable celebrities of the last decade when she took on the role of Wonder Woman, starring in two independent films showcasing the heroine's grace, power and strength. However, the crossover films were less edifying regarding their treatment of Gadot and his character. Now, with the release of Redseven years later Wonder Woman debuted, nothing changed or improved.


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Red One's Cringe Wonder Woman Joke Continues a Sad Hollywood Trend

Wonder Woman deserves more respect

Regardless of the films' opinions or Gadot's portrayal of the character, Wonder Woman deserves more respect than becoming the butt of immature jokes. Red is simply the latest in a list of films that have reduced a character who represents so much to a mere object. However, Red goes even further actually reducing the character to a literal object. As the characters establish how they will take the next step in their journey, the film can't help but make a mean, cheap joke at Wonder Woman's expense.

Dwayne Johnson's character uses a special device that transforms a small car into a real life-size car, in a manner remarkably similar to Ant-Man's size-changing technology. In response, Chris Evans' character (far from the gentlemanly Captain America) runs into the toy store and asks if they have a Wonder Woman action figure as an implied joke. However, this is not the first time Wonder Woman has been reduced to a mere object of desirelike even the Justice League In the 2017 film, Aquaman made inappropriate comments while sitting on the Lasso of Truth.

Red One's outdated jokes are a bad sign for its critical hopes

Awards season is going to be cold and lonely for Red One

Dwayne Johnson and JK Simmons in Red One

Not only is the joke outrageously outdated, given that it refers to a character who hasn't had a theatrical release in the last four years aside from the most minor of cameos, and even then, every time, his arrival is accompanied by some ridiculous insinuations. These jokes are tired, unnecessary, and only serve to show the audience how little they really understand humor. However, there is some small comfort in the fact that this is exactly the kind of cheap, hollow humor that probably prevent Red to obtain any degree of positive critical attention.

Red One
goes even further by reducing the character to a literal object.

For years, there has been backlash when films cross boundaries and devalue entire groups of people. Unfortunately, Wonder Woman is just one individual around whom this kind of humor has circulated, and it has been going on for far too long. Wonder Woman is a character worth elevating, not because of her attractiveness, but for the values ​​she represents. Instead, even his Lasso of Truth is reduced to a point that reveals the youthful thoughts of every dazed man. Red I didn't need the Lasso, it's stupid enough to make these jokes without being prompted.




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