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Bollywood actors who studied acting internationally before pursuing an acting career

Bollywood actors who studied acting internationally before pursuing an acting career


Mumbai, June 27: The lure of Bollywood has allowed many aspiring actors to achieve stardom through their talent and hard work. However, some have chosen to hone their craft by studying at prestigious international institutions. Here, we delve into the stories of five Bollywood actors who took the plunge to study acting abroad, thereby enhancing their skills and bringing a global touch to the Indian film industry.
Janhvi Kapoor:
Janhvi Kapoor has quickly made a name for herself in Bollywood. Following in her mother's formidable footsteps, Janhvi decided to pursue professional acting training at the Lee Strasberg Theater and Film Institute in California. Known for its rigorous curriculum and methodical acting techniques, the institute honed her skills and helped her better understand her roles. This international training has equipped Janhvi with a nuanced approach to acting, evident in her performances in films like “Dhadak” and “Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl”.

Akshay Oberoi:
Akshay Oberoi is another Bollywood actor who has undergone extensive training abroad to perfect his craft. He started at the Stella Adler Studio of Acting in New York, known for its emphasis on showcasing each actor's unique voice. Oberoi didn't stop there; he continued his studies at Playhouse West in Los Angeles, learning the Meisner technique, a method focused on authentic and truthful performances. Additionally, Akshay studied under John Astin, famous for his role in “The Addams Family,” and expanded his artistic palette by training in ballet, jazz and hip-hop dance at the Broadway Dance Center. Her versatile background is reflected in her various roles in films and web series.

Ranbir Kapoor:
Ranbir Kapoor has always been immersed in the world of cinema. To stand out in such a renowned lineage, Ranbir trained in theater and film at the Lee Strasberg Theater and Film Institute, a school famous for alumni like Al Pacino and Robert De Niro. This training contributed significantly to Ranbir's acclaimed performances in films such as 'Rockstar', 'Barfi!' » and “Sanju”. His ability to delve deep into his characters and bring them to life is a testament to his rigorous training and dedication to his craft.

Riteish Deshmukh:
Known for his impeccable comedic timing and versatility, Riteish Deshmukh also honed his acting skills at the Lee Strasberg Theater Institute. This training not only honed his acting abilities but also allowed him to explore a wide range of genres. Riteish's performances in films like the series 'Ek Villain' and 'Housefull' showcase his ability to blend humor and depth, making his characters memorable and engaging.

Sonam Kapoor:
Sonam Kapoor has carved a niche for herself in Bollywood with her fashion-forward choices and strong screen presence. She studied arts and theater at the United World College of South East Asia in Singapore, which provided her with a strong foundation in the performing arts. This upbringing helped Sonam approach her roles with a refined artistic sensibility, be it in commercial hits like 'Raanjhanaa' or critically acclaimed films like 'Neerja'.




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