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Chilean actor Alex Araya found dead in Colombia after Tinder date with two women

Chilean actor Alex Araya found dead in Colombia after Tinder date with two women


A Chilean actor has been found dead in his Airbnb vacation rental in Colombia and his family is searching for answers after he was last seen alive with two women he met on Tinder.

The naked body of Alex Araya, 42, was discovered face down in his bed inside the Medellín rental by a cleaner on June 7, according to the Chilean news publication La Tercera.

The actor's family later learned of his death on the news and are trying to piece together what happened since then, his brother Eduardo Araya told the outlet.

Chilean actor Alex Araya was found dead in Colombia after going on a Tinder date with two women. Facebook

The day before his death, Alex had met two women from the dating app Tinder, according to his brother.

The video captured Alex and the two women entering the rental around 11:30 p.m. on June 6. Two hours later, the two women went out without him, according to the footage.

The two men allegedly left with her credit cards and phone, which they used to pay for Uber rides, gas station purchases, groceries and jewelry, Eduardo told the local outlet.

He is convinced the women are not the only people involved in his brother's untimely death and believes they are part of a larger gang targeting tourists.

“There are more people involved,” he said in Spanish. “They were part of a group dedicated to doing these things.”

The actor's family learned of his death through the press and are trying to piece together what happened since then, his brother Eduardo Araya said. Facebook

Alex's cause of death has not yet been revealed, but Eduardo believes he was drugged – possibly with burundanga, also known as scopolamine, an odorless, tasteless drug that can make you lose consciousness to a person for 24 hours or more. Higher doses, however, can be fatal.

He showed no visible signs of trauma and his body was found in a similar condition to other tourists killed in the area.

Alex is the 29th tourist to die in Medellín this year.

The day before his death, Alex had met two women on the dating app Tinder, according to his brother. Facebook

The U.S. State Department has issued a level three travel advisory for Colombia, recommending Americans reconsider travel to the country amid frequent crime, terrorism, civil unrest and kidnappings.

Earlier this month, the ministry warned of increased reporting drug-related robberies in which suspects often use dating apps to track down their new victims.

“One of the most popular methods of targeting unsuspecting individuals is through online dating apps. Individuals are matched on dates and there is an agreement to meet,” the U.S. Embassy in Bogota said. “This meeting can either begin in a public place or at the victim’s home/hotel. Eventually, the victim is sedated, leaving them disoriented and sedated, making them easily robbed.”

The embassy warned of the same trend in January after the suspicious deaths of eight Americans in Medellín between November 1 and December 31.




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