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Can the 'Grand Theft Auto' guy solve Hollywood's intellectual property problem?


WORLD BUILDER Video game legend Dan Houser is seeking a second act in reinventing the way Hollywood develops intellectual property, starting with an audio-fiction project titled A better paradise. (Photo illustration by Dawn Camner; Houser: Ian West/PA Images via Getty Images)


Dan Houser knows what it's like to appear in Hollywood with attractive intellectual property.

As co-founder, head writer, and vice president of creativity at Rockstar Games, he has been a driving force behind some of the most successful, groundbreaking, and highly cinematic video game franchises of all time, including the urban crime neo-noir. Grand Theft Auto and the western theme Red Dead Redemption. His synthesis of Hollywood influences in video games stimulated the Grand Theft Auto titles, for example, with sales of over 400 million units.

So, as the years went by, Houser would of course get a call to talk about adapting his already cinematic work into a film or television project.

After a few difficult meetings, Houser said, we would ask [the executives]why would we do this?

Their answer: Because you can make a movie.

And we would say, no, what you described is You make a film and we have no control and are taking a huge risk that would ultimately pay off with something that is ours, he says.

As you've probably guessed, although fans are still clamoring for live-action versions of Housers' creations, there has never been one. Grand Theft Auto Or Red Dead Redemption movie.

They thought we would be blinded by the lights and that just wasn't the case, he tells me as we walk through Santa Monica's Palisades Park along Ocean Avenue. We had what we considered to be multi-billion dollar intellectual property, and the economics never made sense. Risk never made sense. At that time, it felt like games were producing low quality movies.

But as Houser notes, it's a different time now.

Indeed, the entertainment industry has finally turned its attention to gaming intellectual property and begun to understand how to successfully translate it to the screen, since The last of us has To fall has The Super Mario Bros. movie..

Perhaps also timely, as IP-crazed Hollywood casts its nets into the deep waters in search of new intellectual properties, fishing out anything long forgotten. Bette Midler vehicles from almost 40 years ago (Scandalous fortune) to an 80 year old person Ernst Lubitsch classic that was remade by Warren Beatty 45 years ago (Heaven can wait). This type of intellectual property as a prerequisite for making something nowadays has probably Bob Evans turning in one's grave, is nevertheless considered today as the surest way to hedge against risk.

But as we've seen in recent years, not all IP is equal. Madame Web is not the same as other iterations of Spider-Man. And not all IP properties can be extended infinitely (see: Fast X Or Mission: Impossible Dead Reckoning, part one. Or Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny as evidence that something long in the tooth is sometimes Also long).

So here's Houser, 50, who moved from New York to Los Angeles in 2020 after shocking the gaming world by leaving Rockstar, ready to cash in on his new startup, Absurd Ventures, which he founded last year last and which is in stealth mode until now.

But in his first in-depth interview on Absurd, he explains how he's willing to work with Hollywood to create an IP pipeline. and how he plans to do it.




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