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Step inside Nawazuddin Siddiquis' dream bungalow with 7 bedrooms, personal gym and on-site theater | Bollywood News

Step inside Nawazuddin Siddiquis' dream bungalow with 7 bedrooms, personal gym and on-site theater |  Bollywood News


Actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui, who rose to fame with, among other things, the two-part gangster film Gangs of Wasseypur, has recreated his childhood home in Mumbai. Nawaz grew up in the town of Budhana, Uttar Pradesh. Located on Yari Road, Versova, Nawazuddin's luxurious bungalow has seven bedrooms and two huge dining rooms. Nawaz, who said he designed large parts of the house himself, was given a detailed tour of his house, which is named after his father, Nawab.

In a video shared by Pinkvilla, he began by visiting his living room, dominated by white and brown, and featuring wood paneling on the walls. The room was decorated with several posters depicting scenes from popular plays and characters such as Hamlet and Othello. These are characters that Nawaz has played on stage in the past.

Nawazuddin Siddiqui Nawazuddin Siddiqui's house in Mumbai. (Photo: Nawazuddin Siddiqui/Instagram)

Nawaz also revealed that he set up the bar himself. The actor recalled that although many of his friends advised him to hire an interior designer, he was adamant about doing it himself. He took inspiration from the National School of Drama to design the corridor. He said: “The NSD corridor was similar, with posters. »

Next, Nawaz presented his personal theater. The room had a huge smart TV and luxury sofas. The movie theater then opens onto a balcony, where the actor said he loves having conversations about movies.

Nawaz Nawazuddin Siddiqui's house in Mumbai. (Photo: Nawazuddin Siddiqui/Instagram)

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The actor also highlighted the importance of open spaces and said that it affects his headspace. He showed us his terrace decorated with greenery. It is here that the actor often discusses his work and films with his friends.

Nawaz Nawazuddin Siddiqui's house in Mumbai. (Photo: Nawazuddin Siddiqui/Instagram)

Nawaz then showed off her in-house makeup room, a cozy nook with a touch of wooden detailing. There is a huge mirror with lights around the edges. His house also has a personal gym. But Nawaz chose the smallest room in the house for himself. “I chose the smallest room to keep my feet on the ground,” he said. The actor keeps some of his favorite books in his bedroom, decorated with posters of Konstantin Stanislavski, who introduced the concept of method acting.

Nawaz Nawazuddin Siddiqui's house in Mumbai. (Photo: Nawazuddin Siddiqui/Instagram)

Nawaz attempted to recreate the pillars, arches and balustrades of his childhood home in Budhana. He also tried to replicate the same flooring. For Nawaz, the best thing about his house is that it is secluded, quiet and surrounded by greenery.

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