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10 Best Bollywood Songs of the 2000s: Kajra Re and Other Tracks That Are Pure Nostalgia

10 Best Bollywood Songs of the 2000s: Kajra Re and Other Tracks That Are Pure Nostalgia


Bollywood songs have been an important part of Hindi films for decades. The Bollywood songs period of the early 2000s was a modern era that witnessed a revolutionary phase in the Hindi music industry. The decade was marked by technological advancements in the digital world that revolutionized music production in India.

For audiences, Hindi film music was at its peak and Bollywood songs of the 2000s are proof of that. In the early 2000s, the Hindi music industry started experimenting with dance songs and sensual tracks from 2000s Bollywood. These new additions were apart of the usual romantic songs and melodies.

So if you want to relive the nostalgia of the best Bollywood songs of the 2000s, then this is for you.

We have compiled a list of 10 best Bollywood songs of the 2000s that continue to rule our hearts till date.

10 Best Bollywood Songs of the 2000s Listed Below

1. Kajra Re – Bunty Aur Babli

Featured on Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Amitabh Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan, Kajra Re is one of the most popular songs in Bollywood. The song was from Bunty Aur Babli. It was sung by Alisha Chinoy, Javed Ali and Shankar Mahadevan. The lyrics were written by Gulzar.

Kajra Re's crochet step stool has become iconic over the years. Aishwarya's performance was the highlight of the song.


2. Tumse Milke Dil Ka – Main Hoon Na

Tumse Mike Dil Ka starred Shah Rukh Khan with Sushmita Sen. Zayed Khan and Amrita Rao were also part of the track. The song was part of Farah Khan's film Main Hoon Na. The qawwali was a highlight of the track.

It was sung by Sonu Nigam, Anu Malik and Altaf Sabri. The background music was equally entertaining.

3. Pappu Can't Dance Saala – Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na

Hai muscular, Hai popular, spectacular, he is single. Remember when we used to lip-sync Pappu Cant Dance Saala? The peppy number was featured in Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na. It was photographed on Imran Khan and Genelia DSouza.

The song also featured Gehraaiyaan director Shakun Batra.

4. So Bahane- So

Here it is now! Here it is now! Everybody raise your hands in the air now! Remember these lyrics? These lines are from Dus Bahane, the song from the movie Dus. The song featured Abhishek Bachchan and Zayed Khan lip-syncing the lyrics.

Also there were Sanjay Dutt, Suniel Shetty, Shilpa Shetty, Esha Deol and Raima Sen.

5. Who keeps saying – Dil chahta hai

Koi Kahe Kehta Rahe is one of the famous Bollywood party songs of the 2000s. The track was featured in Dil Chahta Hai. The party number featured Aamir Khan, Saif Ali Khan and Akshaye Khanna along with Preity Zinta.

It was sung by KK, Shaan and Shankar Mahadevan.

6. Mauja Hi Mauja – Jab we met

Starring Shahid Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor, Mauja Hi Mauja is a great party number to rock out on the dance floor. The song is taken from Jab We Met. Playback singer Mika sang the track and composer Pritam composed the song.

Its lyrics were written by lyricist Irshad Kamil.

7. Dhoom Machale – Dhoom

Dhoom Machale, the iconic song from Dhoom, is a popular hit of the early 2000s. The track featured Esha Deol on stage. There were also Abhishek Bachchan and Uday Chopra.

The peppy number also contained Dhoom Dhoom, the song sung by pop singer Tata Young which was featured at the end of the film.

8. Love Mera Hit Hit – Billu Barber

Shah Rukh Khan reunited with Deepika Padukone for the catchy song, Love Mera Hit Hit. The track was featured in Irrfan Khan and Lara Dutta's film Billu Barber. Its lyrics written by Aashish Pandit were a real hit. The song has been sung by Neeraj Sridhar and Tulsi Kumar.

Hai mera Hit Hit soniye, toh phir kaisi khit pit soniye do you remember?

9. Woh Lamhe Woh Baatein-Zeher

Woh Lamhe Woh Baatein is a popular romantic number from the movie Zeher. The track featured Emraan Hashmi and Shamita Shetty. It was sung by Atif Aslam.

The song was a recreation of the original song titled Woh Lamhe. It was composed by Jal, the famous Pakistani band.

10. Ek Pal Ka Jeena – Kaho Naa…Pyaar Hai

Ek Pal Ka Jeena is one of the biggest hits of Hrithik Roshan's career. The track was featured in his debut film, Kaho Naa Pyar Hai. The song also had Ameesha Patel. It was sung by Lucky Ali. Its iconic melody is still loved to this day.

Apart from the scenes from the film or its dialogues, moviegoers also remember the Bollywood songs of the 2000s that introduced new generations of playback singers. Singers like Sunidhi Chauhan, KK, Shaan, Shreya Ghoshal and Sonu Nigam contributed during this era.

These Bollywood songs from the 2000s are pure nostalgia. Is not it ? Other famous songs from this era include Kaho Na Kaho, Its The Time To Disco, Suraj Hua Maddham and Zara Si, to name a few.

Which song is your favorite?

READ ALSO : 15 Best Bollywood Songs From The 80s That Remain Timeless




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