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Cinespia announces July and August screenings of Hollywood Forever

Cinespia announces July and August screenings of Hollywood Forever


Cinespia, Los Angeles’ favorite moviegoing experience presented by Amazon MGM Studios, has announced an additional July screening of films alongside its August lineup at Hollywood Forever Cemetery. The addition will be a free screening on July 10 of the upcoming Prime Video series. “Sausage Party: Foodtopia.” August kicks off at Hollywood Forever with “Bridesmaids,” followed by “True Romance,” “My Old Ass” and “The Nightmare Before Christmas.” Cinespia will also host its annual “Slumber Party” on August 17.

“We are excited to expand our summer programming with special screenings of “Sausage Party: Foodtopia” and “My Old Ass.” “We can’t wait to introduce you to our presenting sponsor Amazon MGM Studios,” said John Wyatt, Founder of Cinespia. “Our August lineup will feature fan favorites, including my favorite night of the year: Cinespia’s annual sleepover. This year, we’re thrilled to present a double bill of Kirsten Dunst showcasing some of her best work with 'Bring it' and “The Virgin Suicides.”

Joseph Quinn and Ridley Scott
LAS VEGAS, NEVADA - JULY 01: Cast and crew of

What started as a screening of “Strangers on a Train” for a few hundred people became a Los Angeles institution, welcoming hundreds of thousands of moviegoers to the famous Fairbanks Lawn. Now Southern California's most popular outdoor movie event, Cinespia is celebrated by fans and filmmakers for curating a relaxed, offbeat experience. Welcoming up to 4,000 moviegoers per night, guests are welcome to bring their own blankets, food and drinks (including beer and wine), before settling in under the stars for a classic (and sometimes country). The magic of Hollywood's most memorable moments is enhanced by the roar of the crowds and the movies on the big screen. Each screening also features world-class DJs to keep the crowd lively before and after the main event.

Check out the screening list below. Spoken language is provided by Cinespia.

Wednesday July 10 – “Sausage Party: Foodtopia” (FREE screening)

Get ready to FORKING! Cinespia invites you to savor the good times with a special FREE screening of Prime Video's upcoming animated series “Sausage Party: Foodtopia.” Inspired by the 2016 animated feature film “Sausage Party,” the “Sausage Party: Foodtopia” series follows Frank, Brenda, Barry and Sammy as they attempt to start their own food company. Fans will have the opportunity to be the star alongside stars Seth Rogen, Kristen Wiig and Sam Richardson for the first three episodes of the highly anticipated series, while enjoying delicious free treats, fun photo ops and other special surprises. It will be an unforgettable evening!

Get ready to be served! “Sausage Party: Foodtopia” premieres July 11 on Prime Video.

Saturday August 3 – “Bridesmaids

Girls just wanna have fun in the classic comedy that took the box office by storm. RSVP to a night of unbridled laughter featuring a hilarious and unforgettable ensemble and a lively party to match. Bring your spouse and more, and we'll provide the DJ sets, delicious grills, wine/beer bar and everything else to make Hollywood Forever smarter than the best bachelorette party.

Saturday, August 10 – “True Romance”

Take your seat or die for a candy-colored Bonnie and Clyde extravaganza! Get ready for high-octane action and a prismatic pulp romance written by Quentin Tarantino, directed by Tony Scott, and starring Christian Slater and Patricia Arquette. Love is a blast with a favorite movie, a pre- and post-movie DJ dance party, a beer and wine bar, and surprises. Pack your suitcase at home and bring a picnic. Grab your pie and eat it too!

Friday August 16 –My old ass

“My Old Ass” is a new coming-of-age story directed and written by Megan Park, featuring an ensemble cast including Maisy Stella, Aubrey Plaza, Percy Hynes White, Maddie Ziegler and Kerrice Brooks. The film, produced by Tom Ackerley, Margot Robbie, Josey McNamara and Steven Rales, follows free-spirited Elliott (Maisy Stella) as she embarks on a transformative journey after a mushroom trip for her 18th birthday. brought face to face with her. a wacky 39-year-old man (Aubrey Plaza). As she begins to give advice and warnings, Elliott is forced to reevaluate her views on family, love and her summer plans.

“My Old Ass” will be released exclusively in theaters on September 13.

Saturday, August 17 – “Bring it On” + “The Virgin Suicides” (Kirsten Dunst’s sleepover!)

Live the luxury life with two Kirsten Dunst classics for our annual sleepover! Jump for joy when Bring it On brings the cheer squad goals to the playground. Playground love takes center stage at midnight with Sofia Coppola's debut masterpiece, The Virgin Suicides. The category is The Night of a Thousand Kirstens, so come dressed to impress for our free dream Photo Booth. DJ sets celebrate the best of Y2K cheer and midnight moods in honor of the breakout star of the day, an A-list star *and* the ultimate indie heartthrob.

Saturday August 24 – “The Nightmare Before Christmas”

Shout for Summerween with Tim Burton's masterpiece! You don't know Jack until you've experienced the spooky classic at Hollywood Forever Cemetery, complete with a free festive photo booth, holly candy and favorite concessions, and an Oogie Boogie dance party that you'll have to see to believe.

For more information or to purchase tickets, visit




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