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Meet the engineer-turned-actor, who was bullied, banned from Bollywood, and went on to become the highest-paid star; it is now…

Meet the engineer-turned-actor, who was bullied, banned from Bollywood, and went on to become the highest-paid star;  it is now…


This actor, who gave up acting for love, later became a superstar.

From Vicky Kaushal to Kriti Sanon, several engineer actors have however chosen to pursue their acting careers and have gone on to become Bollywood stars. Another such actor who became a superstar gave the industry its first-ever Rs 100 crore hit and was banned from Bollywood.

The actor we are talking about has given birth to several hits and blockbusters, but there was a time when he left the cinema to marry his love and continued to work from 9 to 5. However, today he is the actor highest paid in Pakistan. He is none other than Fawad Khan.

Born in Karachi, Sindh, Fawad Khan studied in an American school, where he said he faced racial problems and was bullied due to his shy, quiet and non-combative nature. The Bachelor of Software Engineering from National University of Computer Science and Emerging Sciences (NUCES), Lahore. However, having failed to find a good job as a programmer or in marketing, he decided to become an actor.

He made his debut in the sitcom Jutt and Bond in 2001 and his first film was Shoaib Mansoor's sociodrama Khuda Kay Liye, in which he played a musician brainwashed by the local maulvi. He later acted in many television serials like Daastan, Humsafar, etc. However, there was a time when, despite his fame, the actor stopped acting for his love. The actor fell in love with his wife Sadaf Khan when he was 16 years old. The two dated for a long time before getting married. However, Sadaf's family was very conservative, which created a problem early in their relationship.

Fawad Khan's career choice as a television actor and singer was not appreciated by Sadaf's family. They wanted Sadaf to marry someone from a conventional background. Fawad was aware of this and to prove his love for Sadaf to his family, he stopped playing to work from 9am to 5pm. They then got married on November 12, 2005 in Karachi, right after their graduation. However, later he made his comeback on the screens.

In 2014, he made his big debut in Bollywood alongside Sonam Kapoor in Khoobsurat and won the hearts of the Indian public. He became a national crush and very popular among girls as well. He then starred in Kapoor & Sons and Ae Dil Hai Mushkil, which marked his last film in Bollywood. After this, Pakistani artists were banned from working in Indian cinema and Fawad has been away from Bollywood ever since.

However, he is a superstar in Pakistan who reportedly charges Rs 3 lakhs per episode for TV shows and Rs 2 crore per film. He gifted Pakistan with his Rs 100 crore debut film The Legend of Maulana Jatt and is now all set to star in the web series Barzakh in which he will share the screen with Sanam Saeed. The show has already created a huge buzz and the series will premiere on ZEE5 on July 19.

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