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Neil Young and Crazy Horse cancel tour and Bowl show: 'I got sick'

Neil Young and Crazy Horse cancel tour and Bowl show: 'I got sick'


Neil Young and Crazy Horse take a break from the road, canceling the remaining shows of their Love Earth Tour.

Young announced the cancellation on his Twitter account Wednesday. websiteciting the health of Crazy Horse band members, which currently includes him, band co-founder Ralph Molina, bassist Billy Talbot and singer Micah Nelson (son of country music legend Willie Nelson). “When some of us got sick after the Pine Knob in Detroit, we had to stop,” the group wrote in a statement. He did not name the members who were dealing with health issues or provide further details about the nature of their illness.

We are not yet fully recovered, so unfortunately our big tour will have an unplanned big break, the press release continues.

Crazy Horse announced their Love Earth tour in FEBRUARY. Down by the River played Pine Knob in Michigan and were scheduled to play several shows in Canada in July and the Hollywood Bowl in late September. It appears those shows are no longer happening, though the band has said they are open to playing those missed dates over time when we are ready to get back to rocking.

Health is our number 1 priority, says the press release. We want to stay and do more shows and more albums for you and for us.

The tour, now canceled, kicked off with a concert in San Diego in late April, a month after Young reinstated his music on Spotify following a two-year boycott. He removed his catalog in 2022 after criticizing Spotify's broadcast of The Joe Rogan Experience, accusing the popular podcast of spreading false medical information.

In March, Young wrote about his websiteMy decision comes as Apple and Amazon services have begun offering the same misinformation podcast features that I opposed at Spotify.

He added: I can't just leave Apple and Amazon, like I did with Spotify, because my music would have very little streaming options for music lovers, which is why I came back to Spotify.

Less than two weeks later, Joni Mitchell, who had followed Youngs' lead in 2022, also quietly returned to the music streaming platform.




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