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Cinema life energizes Kashmir as top Bollywood directors shine light on filmmaking

Cinema life energizes Kashmir as top Bollywood directors shine light on filmmaking


A view of the lavender field in Sirhama village, south of Srinagar, on June 27, 2024.

A view of the lavender field in Sirhama village, south of Srinagar on June 27, 2024. | Photo credit: ANI

Star Bollywood directors on Thursday held all-out deliberations with locals on magical life and sought to further strengthen the decades-old relationship between picturesque Kashmir and the silver screen by inspiring locals to take up filmmaking movies.

In a rare attempt to share knowledge of cinema in a place where film production has almost ceased in the last three decades, Bollywood directors Vishal Bharadwaj, Imtiyaz Ali, Kabir Khan and actor Sanjay Suri allowed local audiences to easily understand what it is. requires leaving a mark in cinema. They were speaking at the session on film tourism and its potential in promoting J&K tourism of the two-day tourism conclave held at the Sher-i-Kashmir International Convention Center (SKICC).

While many viewers have identified the real and imagined obstacles to achieving cinematic skills, Mr. Ali, who has shed new light on Kashmir through films like Rock star And Highwayasked residents to work hard to leave a mark. The people of Kashmir will have to dispel the lingering resistance over opening of cinema halls and people choosing to pursue careers in cinema, Mr. Ali said. He added that Bollywood is still waiting for a good Kashmir-themed storyline.

About a dozen cinema halls closed in Kashmir with the outbreak of hostilities in the 1990s. In the last five years, the Lieutenant Governor's administration has revived cinema in Kashmir by reopening cinema halls in every district of the valley.

Director Khan, whose hit film Bajrangi Bhaijaan highlighted Kashmir's Sonamarg and dispelled the myth of there being a bloc in Bollywood. None of our relatives were in Bollywood. We came from different states and have come today to represent Bollywood, which is keen on new talent. However, it requires a lot of hard work. The key is the passion to do something different, Mr Khan said.

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He praised the locals for their cooperation and understanding of filmmaking. Apart from the fact that it is relatively easy to get permission to shoot and provide the sets, it is the people who actually help in making films. Shooting in Delhi is much more difficult than in Kashmir. It is much easier to have an audience of three thousand people who remain silent in Kashmir during shooting. They understand what is required when the dialogues are recorded. That element makes all the difference, Khan said.

In a bid to attract local filmmakers, Mr. Bharadwaj, whose film Haider highlighted several layers of Kashmir's violent past, asked locals to take advantage of the new film policy. Local language filmmakers can get a double subsidy of Rs 3 crore. I made my first film for Rs 40 lakhs. A Bengali film does not cost more than Rs 3-4 crore. They are producing good cinema, Mr Bharadwaj said.

The introduction of J&K Film Policy by J&K Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha has resulted in 350 films being allowed to be shot in the last four years in Kashmir.




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