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Echoes of the Past: Creatures of Carnegie Hall Come to Life

Echoes of the Past: Creatures of Carnegie Hall Come to Life


1924, 100 years ago

Among the smugglers

Oscar Rider, known as the fox of the hills around Neola, a favorite haunt of the Thackers and Scotts clans, was arrested the other night by a raiding party consisting of the Corp. WW Creasey and Trooper Coy E. Hawks, State Police. retail in Lewisburg. The looters remained in the hills for three days, during which time they destroyed four large stills, destroyed all accompanying paraphernalia, and four people were detained on state and federal charges. .

Rainelle News

The Rainelle Theatre Corporation has begun opening their new building, which will be a wonderful benefit to the residents of this area, as they will be presenting all the latest releases each month with a few added attractions.

Died at 102

Rebecca Bean, granddaughter of John Quincy Adams, the sixth president of the United States, died in Petersburg, Colorado, on June 10. She was 102. The daughter of an engineer and inventor, Rebecca Shinn was born in 1822 in Shinnston, Virginia, now West Virginia. As a young girl, she made four trips across the Atlantic with her father, who is credited with designing the first locomotive to ever run on a railroad in the United States.

1949, 75 years ago

No. 2: Concern about coal

For perhaps the first time, John L. Lewis is no longer the coal miners’ top concern. What really has them trembling this summer are the pipelines that are pushing ever more natural gas from Texas to the industrial Midwest and the East Coast. Coal is still king of the fuels, but its throne is becoming increasingly unstable.

At Camp McClintic

Jimmie Begaye, a Navajo Indian, of Fort Sill Indian School, Lawton, Okla., was employed by the Buckskin Council to serve on the camp staff this summer to teach Indian craft traditions and assist with the campfire program and ceremonies. He has a vast knowledge of Navajo, Comanche and Kiowa customs, songs, languages ​​and ceremonies. He is a Star Scout. Begaye says he plans to bring his Indian costumes and crafts to show the boys.

The calf has a calf

Of great interest to stockmen is the birth of a bull calf from a Jersey heifer owned by Mr. and Mrs. H. L Goddard, of East Rainelle, and which had its blessed event when only 11 months and one day old. The young cow known as Connie was bred by Mr. and Mrs. Goddard and her calf was named Tiny. The mother weighs 340 lbs. and her calf 40 lbs. The breeding of the calf was not intentional on the part of the owners.

1974, 50 years ago

RAU threatens aid

Egypt today threatened to use its air force to defend Lebanon against Israeli airstrikes and Israel warned it was prepared to declare a new war in the Middle East if necessary to protect itself. The warnings came in separate talks as scores of Palestinian refugees fled their camps in Lebanon fearing Israeli reprisals following an Arab guerrilla raid that killed seven people in the resort town of Nahariyya.

OK for medicine, energy and housing

President Nixon today reached agreement with Kremlin leaders on the first concrete results of his summit on joint U.S.-Soviet initiatives to combat cardiovascular disease, find new sources of energy and develop safer housing. Nixon smiled as he signed the documents, and Communist Party leader Lennon I. Brezhnev stood behind him, contentedly smoking a cigarette in an atmosphere of friendship that has prevailed since the president arrived for his weeklong summit.

Now what

A Los Angeles City Council committee has agreed to create a legal nudity zone. The council was debating an ordinance to ban public nudity, aimed primarily at parks and beaches, particularly Venice Beach, where nude sunbathing has begun in recent weekends. After enthusiastic testimony from nudity advocates, the Police, Fire and Civil Defense Committee agreed to include in the ban a provision providing for the creation of zones where wearing clothing is optional and to suspend the law enforcement until there is at least one such area for legal nudity.

1999, 25 years ago

Gaylor sentenced to life in prison

Gene Willard Gaylor was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for the murder of Billy Ray Abshire in a 1976 bombing. A Greenbrier County jury convicted Gaylor of first-degree murder, conspiracy with intent to commit murder and possession of explosives for a criminal purpose in connection with the death of the 37-year-old Rupert man.

Lewisburg council members discuss need for manager

During a special work session, the Lewisburg City Council discussed why a city manager position should be created and debated the duties and responsibilities that should be assigned to that person. The council previously voted to hire a city manager, also known as a director of operations, but is still working to fine-tune the details of the job description.

Carnegie Hall Creatures Come to Life

As part of a unique public art program coordinated by Carnegie Hall and Lewisburg Elementary School, Carnegie Hall will be teeming with critters. Students in Meg Hewits' art class at Lewisburg Elementary School designed and created colorful critters that will be on permanent display at Carnegie Hall. Proudly displaying their critters (front, left to right): Michael Leech and Lester Huffman; (middle row) Jessica Lemons, Amanda Nichols and Cheylane Bennett; and (back row) Christy Clemons-Rodgers, director of education at Carnegie Hall and Meg Hewitt, art teacher at Lewisburg Elementary School.

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