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Out In Hollywood Releases Out Loud 2024 List of Non-Gay TV Pilot Scripts

Out In Hollywood Releases Out Loud 2024 List of Non-Gay TV Pilot Scripts


Gay rights group Out In Hollywood has released its fourth annual list of unproduced gay-focused TV series pilot scripts from the past year.

“Anti-trans, anti-drag, and anti-queer laws are unfortunately on the rise, and we believe that by normalizing the public's understanding of people who are different from them, we can help foster greater acceptance and great empathy,” said founder Logan Kriete.

The Out Loud list is created based on recommendations from Hollywood's queer community. Scripts are evaluated based on criteria such as the strength of the writer's voice, the project's viability for sale in today's market, conceptual freshness, and a modified version of GLAAD's Vito-Russo test (similar to the Bechdel).

For the first time, the writers were honored in person at the Beyond Pride: The Future of Queer Television event.

Check out Hollywood's Out Loud 2024 list below, which includes a brief synopsis of each script and contact information for its writer.

Jesse Scott Egan (he him)
A former gay child star embarks on the journey of fatherhood as he navigates real family, chosen family and the resurgence of family on television when his former best friend and costar, “America's Sweetheart,” re-enters the picture wanting a baby of his own.
Robbie Ezratty (Artists First)

Mohamed “Moe” El Emam
(he him)
When Mazin's younger brother, the black sheep's love child, blows up his life on the first night of Ramadan, Mazin reluctantly helps him pick up the pieces, even if it means more time with their judgmental parents.
Garrett Greer (Haven Entertainment)

Mike Kosinski
(he him)
Annie Hart gets a second chance at life when she is released from prison after serving 17 years for a wrongful conviction, but she must now navigate a society she no longer recognizes; aging parents and a son who no longer wants her in his life.
Brooke Shoemaker (Artists First)

Derek Liakos
(he him)
The year is 1942, on the Gold Coast of Long Island, a golden region. The American Jewish Helenberg family wields its wealth and power with skill. As war rages on the other side of the world, she suddenly bursts into her home in the form of a young man who claims to be a British refugee, but who in reality has arrived at the Helenbergs with much more nefarious intentions. .
Open for representation

Liz Lorie
(she she)
In a world where a tangible window into the afterlife reveals that the age and condition of your body at death determines your existence for eternity, a young woman must take drastic measures to die young and learns through inadvertence to live.
Open for representation

Victor M. Rocha
(he him)
Three years after the sudden disappearance of all the cisgender heterosexuals in the world, a group of unlikely friends struggle to understand their lives.
Garrett Greer (Haven Entertainment)

I salute you marie
Sophie Santos
Follow NFL field reporter Mary Brigman as she is unexpectedly forced to fill a legendary on-air announcer's seat and vie to become the first female color commentator.
Casey Neumeier (Artists First)

Alice Stanley Jr.
(she she)
After a devastating friendship breakup, a seemingly cheerful millennial girl becomes obsessed with finding a new best friend, at any cost.
Kate Hart (Anonymous content)

Jesse D. Turk
(he him)
At a Modern Orthodox Jewish high school, a gay sophomore and his two best friends must confront their own identities while navigating an awkward romance, overzealous rabbis, and anti-Semitic bullies from another school.
Open for representation

Thomas Wilson
(he him)
Twenty years after giving up his Broadway dreams to raise his family, a middle-aged Midwestern restaurant manager tries to find happiness in the strangely competitive and political world of community theater.
Becca Lonngren (M+P Circle)




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