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Marilyn Monroe's former Los Angeles home declared a historic landmark to save it from demolition

Marilyn Monroe's former Los Angeles home declared a historic landmark to save it from demolition


ANGELS — Fans of Marilyn Monroe have won a battle to preserve their footprint in Los Angeles and are one step closer to seeing a towering statue of the silver screen icon remain in Palm Springs.

The Los Angeles home where Monroe briefly lived and died has been declared a cultural landmark, while a decision by the Palm Springs Planning Commission has increased the chances that an 8-metre-tall statue called Marilyn forever will stay in place.

The Los Angeles City Council voted Wednesday to grant the landmark designation after a long battle over whether the home in tony Brentwood's neighborhood would be demolished, the The Los Angeles Times reported.

The current owners live next door and wanted to demolish the house in order to expand their estate. However, the council was unanimous in deciding to save it.

“There is no other person or place in the city of Los Angeles as iconic as Marilyn Monroe and her Brentwood home,” said Traci Park, the area’s council representative, before the vote.

Monroe purchased the house for $75,000 and died there a few months later, on August 4, 1962, apparently of an overdose. The current owners, Brinah Milstein and Roy Bank, purchased the house for $8.35 million and obtained a demolition permit, but have faced opposition.

They say the house has changed so much over the years that it is no longer historic and has become a nuisance in the neighborhood due to tourist traffic.

The process that led to the designation was biased, unconstitutional and rigged, Peter C. Sheridan, an attorney for Milstein and Bank, said in a statement to The Associated Press.

Sheridan said Park and his staff were unresponsive to the owners' efforts to find a solution and ignored opposition from civic and homeowner groups.

The attorney also said the city has granted dozens of permits to more than 14 different previous owners to modify the house through numerous renovations, leaving nothing left to reflect Ms. Monroe's brief stay there 60 years ago.

In Palm Springs, the Forever Marilyn statue depicts Monroe in the famous billowing dress scene from The Seven Year Itch. It has been moved around the United States and elsewhere, including a previous visit to Palm Springs, and is now back. A hotel group that owns the statue wants it to remain permanent, but some locals object.

A technical decision on the location by the planning commission on Wednesday marked a step toward keeping the statue, The Desert Sun reportedThe matter continues before the Palm Springs City Council moving forward.




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