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One Piece Japanese Voice Actor Taiki Matsuno Dies at 56

One Piece Japanese Voice Actor Taiki Matsuno Dies at 56


Renowned Japanese anime voice actor Taiki Matsuno, celebrated for lending his voice to iconic characters including several One Piece roles and the lead role of Kindaichi Hajime in the series The Kindaichi Case Files, died Wednesday, June 26 at age 56.

Voice actor Taiki Matsuno, famous for voicing several One Piece characters including Lafitte, died at age 56 on June 26, 2024.
Voice actor Taiki Matsuno, famous for having lent his voice to several One Piece characters, including Lafitte, died at the age of 56 on June 26, 2024.

His agency, Aoni Production, announced the unfortunate news of his death on its official website on Thursday June 27. The talent agency revealed that a right brain hemorrhage was the cause of his death.

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Taiki Matsuno (56), who was affiliated with our company, passed away on June 26, 2024, due to a right cerebral hemorrhage. We would like to inform you of this news with deep gratitude for the kindness we showed during his lifetime. Furthermore, in accordance with the wishes of the bereaved family, the wake and funeral will be reserved for relatives only. We ask for your understanding, Aoni Production said on June 26.

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The prolific actor was born on October 16 in Tokyo. He is best known as the voice of Kindaichi Hajime in the 1997 Kindaichi Case Files anime series, Koga in Inuyasha (2001), Lafitte, Hildon and Canpacino, Trebol and Hildon in One Piece, Agumon in several Digimon projects such as Digimon Savers, and the Japanese interpretation of SpongeBob in SpongeBob SquarePants (from season 4), among others.

Japanese actor Toshio Furukawa, affiliated with the same agency and famous for playing Portgas D Ace in One Piece and Piccolo in Dragon Ball, paid tribute to Matsuno on X/Twitter. I am shocked by the sudden passing of my Aoni Pro colleague, Matsuno Taiki. We have had many opportunities to work together on a daily basis, working as voice actors and training the next generation at the Aoni Juku Tokyo School, and have been close friends for many years. I would like to express my deepest condolences. It's the wrong order, it's too early, it's too early, Taiki… he tweeted (translated from Japanese).

Anime Fans Remember Taiki Matsuno's Legacy

Fans quickly took to their social media, expressing their condolences and memories related to the actor. Opening his extensive portfolio, Otakus, with tears in his eyes, recalled the many iconic voices that Matsuno brought to life on their screens.

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So young and so sad. . Prayers for the family. He was also the voice of SpongeBob. The man was a legend in his own right, wrote one user on X/Twitter.

“I'm sorry for a legend. It's a shame he won't voice Lafitte during the latter part of the series, but I'm glad he stayed this long. I hope he relaxes with the original voice actor of Roger in Paradise,” another One Piece fan commented.

A third wrote: “Sad moment. I hope Oda makes Lafitte honor his voice with something symbolic in the manga.”




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