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‘Daily Show’ Alumni Mourn Loss of Clip Archive After Website Cleanup

‘Daily Show’ Alumni Mourn Loss of Clip Archive After Website Cleanup


A company's decision to remove much of the content from Comedy Central's website doesn't sit well with a number of current and former fans. Daily show Staff.

The sites of Comedy Central and other Paramount-owned cable channels, CMT, Paramount Network and TV Land, were largely stripped of content this week; what remains primarily redirects users to the company's streaming platform, Paramount+. The media conglomerate also shut down the MTV News site earlier this week.

Paramount, which is seeking to cut half a billion dollars in costs amid falling profits, said the removal of the sites was “part of broader website changes across the board” .

“We introduced more streamlined versions of our sites, enticing fans to head to Paramount+ to watch their favorite shows,” the company said in a statement.

Paramount+, however, only has the two most recent seasons of The daily show available for streaming. The Comedy Central website previously hosted a massive archive of episodes and clips spanning most of the show's history (as well as other late-night shows). @minuit, The Colbert Report, The night show And The opposition with Jordan Klepper). This archive has now disappeared. Some documents are on YouTube, but The Daily ShowThe channel there, for example, doesn't contain any material from before 2016.

“I have to bring back the man from the bootleg DVD,” former Daily show correspondent Roy Wood Jr. written the. This shit is not okay. » Doug Herzog, who ran Comedy Central at the time The daily show launched, reposted Wood's statement in an Instagram story and added a facepalm emoji to a screenshot of a news article about Paramount's takedown of the website.

On the Bluesky social network, Daily show Writer and producer Daniel Radosh noted that the show's team regularly used the clip archives on the website: “Hey, for extra fun, guess what the only way was for people still working in the show to find important old clips to have as part of the production of said show! » he wrote.

Tim Carvell, executive producer of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver and 10 years Daily show veteran, shot Paramount in a Blue Sky Post: “2002: 'Watch out kids, the Internet is forever!' 2024: 'Oh hey, all the work you've done for a decade of your life has just been deleted from the Internet for commercial reasons.'




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