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Pirates of the Caribbean actor Tomayo Perry survives shark attack

Pirates of the Caribbean actor Tomayo Perry survives shark attack


Hawaiian surfing legend and “Pirates of the Caribbean” actor Tomayo Perry has survived countless close calls during his decades-long career on the waves — but he didn't expect to fall victim to one of the dangers the rarest of all: a man-eating shark.

“It’s like knowing you could get in a car and have a car accident,” Tomayo’s grieving wife, Emilia Perry, said of shark attacks. “You don’t do it, you don’t do it, you don’t do it, so you do it.”

Tomayo last paddled out on his surfboard shortly after noon last Sunday and never returned. Local surfers quickly found his body in the water with an arm and leg missing, and he was later pronounced dead following a shark attack.

He spent decades surfing and lifeguarding some of the world's most dangerous beaches, and was no stranger to danger during his years on the water.

Tomayo Perry, 49, is surfing just one of many daring pipes he's tackled in his life on the water. Courtesy of Christa Funk

“He hit his head in 2004 and he got 50 stitches and 25 staples,” Emilia said, listing incidents in which errant surfboards split Tamayo’s head inches from his temple, or a wipeout where he resurfaced with a gash in his leg millimeters from his femoral artery.

But shark attacks, which are “extremely rare” according to Hawaiian wildlife officials, were never a serious concern for Tomayo compared to other risks for serious surfers.

We all talk about it, but if you like surfing, that won't stop you from paddling, said Jesse King, 37, a lifeguard who has worked closely with Tomayo, 49, for years.

Emilia said Tomayo was also a “ham” and a “class clown” — a fun attitude that helped him land roles in films and TV shows like Pirates of the Caribbean, Blue Crush, Hawaii Five. 0 and one in Charlie's Angels where he played himself.

“We had a lot of fun. It was great. He had a really beautiful and fulfilling life. It was really fun. We were laughing constantly,” Emilia said.

Tomayo and his wife Emilia. The couple met while surfing in 1998 Courtesy of Christa Funk

The couple met in 1998 while surfing the Banzai Pipeline, a north coast reef known for producing one of the most dangerous waves in the world. After surfing professionally around the world for several years, Tomayo returned to Pipeline in 2016 to become a full-time lifeguard at this dangerous beach.

“He’s done a lot of rescues. He’s pulled his best friends out of the water. He’s pulled strangers out of the water. None of this is easy, it’s very heroic work,” Emilia said, recalling how he would pray out loud for people on the beach if they needed CPR.

“It’s crazy: Every CPR case that Tomayo has worked on, they’ve come back,” she said.

Tomayo has played several roles in Hollywood and television over the years, including an appearance on Pirates of the Caribbean. Peter Mountain/Walt Disney Photos

It was actions like those that occurred on one of the world's greatest surfing beaches that made Tomayo's death resonate around the world.

“The North Shore is a tight-knit community, but it’s actually a huge surf community,” Emilia said.

“Because in the surfing world, you travel everywhere, you meet surfers, we are friends with surfers from Australia and all over the world.”

Tomayo and Emilia made friends around the world while surfing Courtesy of Christa Funk

She recalled her husband as being “larger than life”, while Jesse and other friends agreed that he was an “amazing person”.

“He was full of life, full of passion in everything he did. He never did anything with partial effort. He did everything full-on, all the time,” Jesse said. “In any room he was in, he brought the light with him. He always made time for you.”

Emilia and Tomayo met and later got engaged on the beach at Bonzai Pipeline on the North Shore of Oahu. Courtesy of Christa Funk

Emilia said she was clinging to the last moment she saw her husband alive.

“It was like another beautiful day,” she said. “He woke up, gave me lots of kisses, said goodbye, I love you. Then he went to work, and he didn’t come home.”




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