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Bill Cobbs, a prolific actor who inspired generations, dies at 90

Bill Cobbs, a prolific actor who inspired generations, dies at 90


Bill Cobbs, a prolific actor who left an indelible mark on the entertainment industry, died Tuesday at his home in California’s Inland Empire. At age 90, Cobbs’ life was a testament to perseverance and passion. His death was announced by his brother, Thomas G. Cobbs, and confirmed by his agent, Carmela Evangelista. While no cause was given, his legacy speaks volumes about a life well lived.

Cobbs’ career blossomed at a mature age, proving that it’s never too late to pursue your dreams. He began his professional journey in the arts with the Negro Ensemble Company, a major platform that provided opportunities for black actors in theater. His first major role was in “Ride a Black Horse,” and from there, his career expanded into various areas of performance art. He began in street theater, regional theater, and eventually made his mark at the Eugene O’Neill Theater.

Cobbs' television debut came with a children's public television series called “Vegetable Soup.” This role was followed by appearances on popular sitcoms like “Good Times” and “Baby…I'm Back!” His big screen debut was a minor role in the 1974 thriller “The Taking of Pelham One Two Three.” These early roles paved the way for a career that would span more than 200 film and television credits.

Cobbs' versatility as an actor allowed him to seamlessly transition between genres and mediums. On television, he was a familiar face in period dramas such as “I'll Fly Away” and sci-fi series like “The Others.” He also brought his unique presence to comedies including “The Slap Maxwell Story,” “Homeroom,” “The Gregory Hines Show” and “The Drew Carey Show.” His ability to adapt to different roles made him a sought-after actor.

One of Cobbs' most memorable performances was on the beloved children's program “Sesame Street,” where his warmth and charm resonated with audiences of all ages. He also made notable appearances in “The Sopranos,” “The West Wing,” “Star Trek: Enterprise,” and “Six Feet Under.” His guest roles on these iconic shows showcased his wide range and lasting appeal.

In 2020, Cobbs received a Daytime Emmy Award for his work on “Dino Dana,” a television show that captivated young audiences with its engaging storytelling and educational content about dinosaurs. This recognition is a testament to his continued relevance and talent in the industry.

Cobbs’ final on-screen credit came in 2023 with the TV miniseries “Incandescent Love,” capping a remarkable career that spanned six decades. Throughout his career, he remained a beloved figure in the entertainment community, admired for his dedication, humility and exceptional skills.

The news of his passing was met with much love and respect from fans, colleagues, and loved ones. His family shared their grief on social media, noting the joy he brought to those around him and the peaceful manner in which he left this world. “We are saddened to announce the passing of Bill Cobbs. On Tuesday, June 25, Bill passed away peacefully at his home in California,” his family’s Facebook post read. “A beloved partner, big brother, uncle, surrogate parent, godfather, and friend, Bill recently and joyfully celebrated his 90th birthday surrounded by his loved ones. As a family, we take comfort in knowing that Bill has found peace and eternal rest with his Heavenly Father. We ask for your prayers and encouragement during this time.”

Bill Cobbs' journey from Air Force radar technician to famous actor is a story of resilience and passion. Born in Cleveland, Ohio, on June 16, 1934, he served his country before pursuing his true artistic calling. His career is a shining example of how dedication and faith can lead to success, no matter when you start.

Cobbs’ contributions to the Black community and the entertainment industry are immeasurable. He broke barriers and paved the way for future generations of Black actors, demonstrating that talent and hard work can transcend age and circumstance. His legacy will continue to inspire and uplift, reminding us all of the power of perseverance and the importance of following your dreams.

As we bid farewell to Bill Cobbs, we celebrate a life well lived and a career that brought joy, inspiration, and representation to countless people. His spirit will live on through his work and the memories he created with those who knew and loved him. May he rest in peace, knowing that he made a lasting impact on the world and left it a better place through his artistry and dedication.

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