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Mymama and Beta team up to create Brazilian outfit Janeiro Studios

Mymama and Beta team up to create Brazilian outfit Janeiro Studios


Veteran producers Koby Gal Raday (The group's visit, On the spectrum) and Ilda Santiago (Concrete Jungle) are partnering with Brazil’s Mymama Entertainment and Germany’s Beta Film to launch a new international production company, Janeiro Studios, aimed at producing high-end independent feature and television films in Latin America and beyond. Koby Gal-Raday will serve as CEO and Santiago as Managing Director.

The company is supported by Beta Film, one of the leading independent European groups, producer of Babylon Berlin and period novel Sissi. Mayra Faour Auad's Mymama Entertainment, a leading Brazilian production group and 2018 International Documentary Series Emmy winner Hack the city and documentation functionality Our blood, our body.

“Brazil is ready to expand its creative and commercial borders, and the international market now expects it from us,” said Faour Auad.

With offices in Brazil and Europe, Janeiro Studios aims to pursue collaborations and co-productions in Brazil and internationally and aims to leverage the extensive international networks and experience of its founders to produce authored content for the world.

Gal-Raday was director of content at Yes, the leading Israeli streaming platform, where he oversaw the production of series such as Fauda, Your Honor And On the spectrumIn 2020, he took over as content director at Beta, where he helped lead high-end TV productions such as the Italian-French-German co-production. History and the epic of the Hungarian period The Rise of the Raven.

Santiago is a key figure in the Brazilian film market, as co-founder of the arthouse film distribution and exhibition company Estação Group and co-founder, CEO and artistic director of the Rio de Janeiro International Film Festival. Her productions include Vicente Amorim's action thriller Concrete Jungle and Andrucha Waddington's upcoming crime drama Victory.

“With over 20 years of experience in broadcast, sales and co-production, I am ready to return to my ‘roots’ as an independent producer and focus on my lifelong passion: facilitating and enabling the creation of untold stories for film and cinema, delivered in bold and unique ways,” said Gal-Raday.

Santiago added: “I have been an advocate for co-productions and alliances between Brazil and other countries for many years. It is exciting to embark on this new chapter, which allows me to leverage my passion for working with talent across borders.”




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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