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Voice Actor Toru Furuya Resigns From One Piece After Affair Scandal

Voice Actor Toru Furuya Resigns From One Piece After Affair Scandal


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On June 22, anime voice actor Toru Furuya posted a joint statement with his artistic agency He announced that he would be leaving his role as Sabo in One Piece and that of Toru Amuro in Detective Conan/Case Closed. His resignation follows a scandal in which the longtime voice actor admitted to having an affair and physically abusing a female fan.

On May 22, Furuya recognized a report from Weekly Bushsin magazine about his four-and-a-half-year affair with a fan X / Twitter account now deactivatedIn his statement, Furuya admitted to physically abusing the fan during an argument and causing her to terminate her pregnancy, saying, “I will spend the rest of my life atoning for my mistakes,” according to Anime News Network.

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Image credit Dick Thomas Johnsonapproved under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic Licence.

We have had discussions with actor Toru Furuya, who is part of our agency, regarding the series of scandals that have taken place, Aoni Production wrote in a statement (translated by Crunchyroll). “We concluded by asking [Furuya] “We have decided to drop two roles, Toru Amuro in Detective Conan and Sabo in One Piece, due to the damage caused to the characters' image, which has been accepted. We would like to offer our sincere apologies to everyone involved in the production and to the many fans of the work.”

I, Toru Furuya, would like to apologize for my selfish actions and for the many people I have troubled,” Furuya said in the joint statement. After careful consideration and with a heavy heart, I have decided to step down from my position by Toru Amuro and Sabo, because I caused a lot of damage to the characters, I would like to apologize again to everyone I greatly troubled, I am truly sorry.

Although Aoni Production has yet to announce Furuya's recasting in One Piece and Detective Conan, plans are already underway to replace the disgraced voice actor in the video game world. On June 11, Atlus has announced that Furuya has been removed from the cast of Metaphor: ReFantazio.his next RPG, due to various circumstances” and that his replacement would be announced during July.

Furuya's career as a voice actor spans over 50 years, with more than 100 rolesincluding Amuro Ray from Mobile Suit Gundam, Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon and Yamcha from Dragon Ball. Furuya has also lent his voice to video game characters like Mewtwo in the Detective Pikachu series and Bryce Fairchild in Sega's recently released RPG Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth.

Image credit Dick Thomas Johnsonlicensed under the Creative Commons License Attribution 2.0 Generic Licence.

Isaiah Colbert is a freelance writer for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @ShinEyeZehUhh.




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