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'Pirates of the Caribbean' actor dies after shark attack in Hawaii – AsAmNews

'Pirates of the Caribbean' actor dies after shark attack in Hawaii – AsAmNews


Famous surfer, actor and lifeguard Tamayo Perry died Sunday after being attacked by a shark while surfing off the coast of Hawaii.

Perry, 49, was allegedly attacked on the North Shore of Oahu, where he was also an eight-year veteran of Honolulu Ocean Safety, according to CNN.

On June 23, shortly before 1 p.m., emergency services and Honolulu Ocean Safety responded to a call about a surfer who had suffered shark bites and was fatally injured. After being brought to shore by jet ski, Perry was pronounced dead by authorities, TODAY reported.

Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi paid tribute to Perry in a statement.

“Tamayo Perry, an eight-year veteran of Ocean Safety and a well-known North Shore sailor, has demonstrated courage, commitment and a deep sense of duty, serving our community with unwavering dedication” , said Blangiardi. “His heroic actions and tireless efforts to keep our residents and visitors safe will never be forgotten. »

Kurt Lager, acting director of Honolulu Ocean Safety, said at a news conference, “Tamayo Perry was a lifeguard loved by all. »

Perry surfed professionally for more than 15 years, according to his company website. Perry cited surfing the Pipeline off Oahu's North Shore as his specialty, competing for years in the Pipeline Master Trials and winning in 1999, CBS reported.

As an actor, Perry has appeared in films such as Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, Blue Crush and Charlie's Angels: Unchained, as well as the television series Hawaii Five-O and Lost.

“When I'm not acting, I'm still a character, so there's always a lot of fun to be had,” Perry said.

Perry was born and raised on the east side of Oahu, according to the Encyclopedia of surfingPerry and his wife, Emilia Perry, operated the Oahu Surfing Experience, where they offered surf lessons.

“The world knew Tamayo as a surfer and an actor, but to those who knew him best, he was a man of deep faith…now taken too soon,” Perry's wife said. ABC. “I feel so upset and devastated. But I also have a strange calm in my heart knowing he is in a better place.

Perry is survived by his wife. Emilia Perry organized a GoFundMe Campaign for those looking to support the Perrys.

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