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Hollywood Fringe Festival: The Final Countdown – Larchmont Buzz

Hollywood Fringe Festival: The Final Countdown – Larchmont Buzz


The Fringe Festival wraps up for the month, with final performances on June 30. Here are a few to consider. Here are a few to check out.

In the interactive The witness showMark Vigeant plays the groom's brother invited to give a toast at a polyamorous commitment ceremony. Three performances remain at the Broadwater (Studio); Click here here for more information.

Larchmont's Sunita Param received the Best of Asylum 2024 award for her show Sunita: Come back to me. (The show is produced in a theater member of the Asylum group.) There is one more performance, this Sunday. Click on here for more information.

The Connie Converse Universe explores the songs, life and mystery of the first modern folk singer-songwriter, Connie Converse, whose songs written in the 1950s helped pave the way for future singer-songwriters of the 1960s, who disappeared without a trace traces 50 years ago. Singer-songwriter Hope Levy performs Connie's songs in her live acoustic show. There are two performances left; tickets are available here.

Edgar Allen Poe gets two Fringe shows, count them, and there's only one performance left in each of them. Poe's Paranoia offers readings of three Poe classics, with music and dance, from The Los Angeles Troupea classical theater company that tours schools. She also addresses Poe The night dreama solo exhibition about a Mexican writer who, suffering from writer's block, turns to Poe's characters to help him tell his stories.

Heaven's Favorite Murderer is none other than Medea. What makes her so special in the eyes of the gods? This immersive adaptation will answer that question while challenging our own ideas about justice. There remains a performance; tickets available here.

There are two performances remaining of Capricea farcical fable from 1783 about a hot air balloon, a duck, a sheep, a rooster, Marie Antoinette, a hunter, a royal footman, the mysterious forest near the Palace of Versailles and everything that could go wrong.

A one-hour production A Midsummer Night's dream has a rotating cast and two performances remaining. (If you want the full experience under the stars on a summer night, check out Theatricum Botanicums annual versionon view until September 23 at the open-air theater.)

Finally, if you are grieving and looking to heal, there are a number of shows on this theme to consider. Each of them still has one performance left.
Ice Cats
Idiot. Sad. Swords.
Adventures in Caregiving

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