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Family theme for fun and entertainment

Family theme for fun and entertainment


Waimate Savage & Entertainment Club

This year, the Waimate Savage & Entertainment Club is organizing its shows around themes, and on May 26, that theme was family.

Four generations of Buckinghams attended the afternoon concert at the Silver Band Hall to enjoy their and other performances.

After the usual start with “Soup,” with two “cutesy” songs about parents, Amelia B. read a funny story about Grinny and Granny Donkey. The audience really liked the story.

Five very mature children, dressed for the night, followed suit with the bed songRoll onturning and falling out of bed at the youngest's command and disappearing until the bed was left to one alone.

Briar then stomped her feet on stage and demonstrated her ever-improving skills with her recently successful dance routine, which earned her a category championship. Using the stage well, she allowed everyone to admire the difficult footwork.

Jordan B. followed his grandfather's path and played the piano, proving that some things like talent are hereditary.

Little Miss Universe Tapaita, dressed as Mori, showed us her winning performance of the song Six60, showing off her whakapapa in sign language. Her focus was impressive and we were proud to have her on our stage, knowing that she had somehow put our district on the world map, all the way to Turkey.

Alison had us laughing out loud with some funny anecdotes, followed by “The Odd Couple” by Pam and Ian, the original Bs. Ian joked that it was a charity concert for Buckingham.

Parentheses and draws created a break before a funny sketch about schoolchildren who see too much. Teacher Jan made it clear to one student that his return to school was not expected.

After the team scheduled to participate in the national conference during the King's Birthday weekend presented three of their planned songs, the entire audience was treated to a trip back to their childhood.

Elizabeth explained the historical background to the so-called nursery rhymes and they were sung in unison. The explanations of the nursery rhymes were appreciated as they made it clear that one should think twice before singing “Sing a Song of Sixpence”, which is about Henry VIII and his misconduct, who would have known?

Terri and her daughter Marissa went back in time with some good oldies and took us to their scouting days with songs that had many joining us. The cover with all the many patches emphasized the importance of shared family history. Max and Bob made people laugh with a left-handed skit and lost fingers because of it. Barry O'Neill was the final performer with three beautifully sung songs.

We finished by singing the closing ode and the national anthem, during which the younger generation of Bs showed some dance steps, giving us a lot of hope for the future of the club.

A lively afternoon tea brought a very entertaining and interesting concert to a pleasant close. The theme for next month is live entertainment. We invite people to attend our fourth concert on 28th July.

By Ina de Paauw-Fontein




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