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Drishyam 2 To Andhadhun, 5 Must-Watch Bollywood Thrillers

Drishyam 2 To Andhadhun, 5 Must-Watch Bollywood Thrillers


Watching movies full of mysteries has its own thrill.

Watching movies full of mysteries has its own thrill.

Ajay Devgn starrer Drishyam 2 received a lot of love from the audience.

Thriller movies have always had a special craze among the audience. These movies are highly appreciated because they are full of mystery. Once you start watching them, you won't be able to get up until you finish them. Watching movies full of mystery is a pleasure in itself, and the box office is a witness to the fact that whenever a good thriller movie is made, it turns out to be a hit. So, let us tell you about five thriller movies that will leave you speechless.

1. Raat Akeli Hai: Nawazuddin Siddiqui Raat Akeli Hai, which started streaming on Netflix in 2020, is a much talked about film. In this film, Nawazuddin plays the role of a police officer who handles a murder mystery case. The climax of this film is shocking. The film stars Radhika Apte, Shweta Tripathi and Tigmanshu Dhulia in pivotal roles. The film received critical acclaim for its performances and direction. Nawazuddin Siddiqui won the Best Actor award at the Filmfare OTT Awards, while the film also won the Best Film award at the ceremony.

2. Badla: Badla, starring Amitabh Bachchan and Taapsee Pannu, turned out to be a super hit. It was a suspense thriller that rocked the audience's mind. This film was produced by Shah Rukh Khan's production house. Amrita Singh also played an important role in Badla. This film also created a lot of uproar at the box office when it released. The climax of this film was so great that the audience was left puzzled till the end. At the 65th Filmfare Awards, Badla received four nominations including Best Supporting Actress for Amrita Singh.

3. Kannur Squad: When this film released in theatres on 28th September 2023, it ruled the box office and also made a turnover of more than 100 crores. Now, this film is also available on the OTT platform Disney+ Hotstar, and this film is also getting a lot of love from the audience on OTT. It is a crime thriller film, directed by Roby Varghese Raj and written by Mohammed Shafi and Ronnie David Raj. The film stars Mammootty along with Ronnie David Raj, Azis Nedumangad, Shabarish Verma, Kishore and Vijayraghavan in important roles.

4. Andhadhun: Ayushmann Khurranas Andhadhun is a successful suspense thriller. In this film, the actor played the role of a blind man who finds himself seriously stuck while trying to solve a murder. Tabu and Radhika Apte have also done a great job in this film. Ayushmann's role in the film was also highly appreciated.

5. Drishyam 2: Drishyam 2, starring Ajay Devgn, is full of suspense. Just like the first part of this film was a box office success upon its release, its second part also received a lot of love from the audience. Drishyam 2 became a major financial success, becoming the second highest-grossing Hindi film of 2022.




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