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Kalki 2898 AD leaves entire Bollywood in dust; Hindi version alone beats Fighter, Shaitaan, Bade Miyan Chote Miyan


Kalki 2898 AD soared at the box office on day one with its Hindi version beating all Bollywood releases of the year

The stakes are high, the expectations are higher and if early trends are to be believed, 'achhe din' could be back in the Indian film industry with 3D spectacle Kalki 2898 AD expected to cross Rs 200 crore in global revenue on its release day Thursday, according to industry experts. The Hindi dubbed version of the film, alone, beats all Bollywood releases of the year with a massive start.

Produced by Vyjayanthi Movies, Kalki 2898 AD has been released in six languages: Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Hindi and English. Previously titled Project K, it is arguably the most expensive feature film in the history of Indian cinema, with an estimated cost of Rs 600 crore. The film will cross the Rs 100 crore mark on its first day of release, trade analyst Girish Wankhede said.

“This film is going to be a lifesaver. Apart from Shaitaan, no big (Hindi) film has been a huge success in the last six months. Kalki will be like a breath of fresh air. It will gross Rs 100-110 crore on its release day in India and will cross the Rs 200 crore mark globally,” Wankhede added. The big-budget film is set to rule the global box office on the back of its four points — stars, spectacle, stunts and science fiction — industry insiders said.

Touted as a marriage between the Hindu epic Mahabharata and science fiction, the multilingual mega-budget film, which hit theatres worldwide on Thursday, is directed by Nag Ashwin of Mahanati fame. While it is early days, Kalki 2898 AD has all the makings of becoming a “blockbuster hit”, with its Hindi version considered “the biggest opening of this year so far”, said trade expert Taran Adarsh.

In his opinion, not even the India vs England T20 World Cup semi-final could dampen the enthusiasm for the film. “Achhe din is back… For the Hindi version, this will be the biggest opener of this year so far. The highest so far was Fighter with Rs 20.50 crore and Kalki will cross easily this amount,” Adarsh ​​told PTI.

Fighter had an opening of Rs 20.50 crore nett in January while Shaitaan opened at Rs 15 crore in March. Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff's Bade Miyan Chote Miyan also had an opening of just over Rs 15 crore in April. But the Hindi version of Kalki 2898 AD will beat them all, with an expected collection of Rs 24-26 crore on the opening day. Across languages, Kalki 2898 AD is expected to gross Rs 95 crore in India and Rs 180 crore worldwide.

The sci-fi and mythology extravaganza, with Prabhas, Deepika Padukone, Amitabh Bachchan and Kamal Haasan headlining the star-studded cast representing the biggest actors of the South and Hindi film industry , is also heading for a $4 million debut in the United States, Canada and other territories, the trading website Sacnilk reported. This is more than SS Rajamouli's RRR, which grossed $3.3 million when it premiered in North America in 2022. Kalki 2898 AD is now the film with “the biggest opening for an Indian film in America of the North,” Sacnilk reported.

With contributions from PTI

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