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Jenni Rivera's daughter gets emotional as she receives Hollywood star posthumously – NBC Los Angeles


Jenni Rivera's five children, Mexican singer Gloria Trevi and hundreds of fans attended the unveiling of the star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Rivera always knew that one day she would have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame; that's what her children told her. Between joy and tears, they remembered a woman who made her mark with her music and talent in a world dominated by men.

At an emotional posthumous celebration to honor the legacy of Rivera, aka La Diva de la Bandas, her five children remembered the singer, entrepreneur and single mother who taught them to fight for their dreams.

“It’s a great honor,” said Chiquis Rivera, with tears in his eyes. It is a great honor to be the daughter of such a wonderful woman. A woman who accomplished many things, certainly, but more than anything, being the daughter of a woman who left her mark on this earth and in the hearts of so many people.

Chiquis, who continued the musical path inherited from her mother, said that although almost 12 years have passed, she is still alive and I see her in my brothers and I see her in each of you.

All of Jenni Rivera's life and legacy were honored Thursday during the unveiling of her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The Mexican singer and businesswoman was represented by her five children, who received the star in her honor and gave speeches highlighting Jenni Rivera's life.

As the ceremony began, hundreds of Rivera fans who arrived early sang along to her music and chanted Jenni, Jenni! in anticipation of her star.

The presenters, Rivera's five children, Jennis's close friend and journalist Ninette Ros, and Mexican singer Gloria Trevi, were introduced by Hollywood Chamber of Commerce President Steve Nissen.

Jenni's spirit will forever live on in her art and work, and she continues to change lives, Rio said. The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce is honored to be able to continue his legacy through this ceremony and his place on the Walk of Fame.

After Ros, it was Trevi who took the podium. As she approached the microphone, fans began chanting Gloria, Gloria!, after which Trevi responded with Jenni, Jenni!, encouraging the audience to focus on honoring Rivera.

Trevi, a Mexican singer raised in the same musical environment as Rivera, spoke about the challenges of being a Latina woman in the music business and how Rivera managed to succeed despite all the obstacles.

Jenni, ahead of her time, triumphed in a male-dominated genre, highlighted the courage of women, prevailed with her musical legacy and her personal story, and that is why she is unforgettable and irreplaceable, Trevi said.

Rios added that his successes in the industry were largely due to Rivera's open and loving character.

Jenni had the unique gift of being able to connect with people and understand their hearts, Ros said.

Rivera's youngest son, Johnny Lpez, spoke about his mother's philanthropic side, noting that Jenni Rivera's big heart was her greatest strength as an artist.

Among other efforts in the city, Lpez highlighted Jenni Rivera's support for Children's Hospital Los Angeles, including a $35,000 donation just before her death. Lpez also acknowledged the help Rivera gave her fans when they needed it. For example, she once held a raffle to help raise money for a fan and also donated a hearing aid to another fan who was having hearing problems.

I hope that when you see this star, you will not only think of her spectacular voice, her audacity and ingenuity, or her beautiful laugh, but also of her big heart, said Lpez.

After the star was unveiled, all of Rivera's children and grandchildren released butterflies from Jenni Rivera's new star on Hollywood Boulevard. The butterflies symbolize La Mariposa del Barrio, a nickname given to Rivera that represented her journey to try to achieve her seemingly distant dreams of stardom.




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