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Jenni Rivera Posthumously Honored With Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame

Jenni Rivera Posthumously Honored With Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame


  • Late Mexican singer Jenni Rivera received her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on June 27.
  • Rivera's five children were present at the ceremony and each dedicated a speech to their mother.
  • Rivera died in a tragic plane crash in 2012. She was 43 years old.

Jenni Rivera finally received her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

On Thursday, June 27, friends and family of the late Mexican singer gathered to celebrate the unveiling of her star.

During the ceremony, Mexican icon Gloria Trevi served as guest speaker and dedicated kind words to the “No Llega El Olvido” singer.

Rivera's children, Jacqie, Johnny, Chiquis, Jenicka and Michael, were also present at the ceremony to accept the star on her behalf and each dedicated a speech to their mother.

Chiquis, 39, her senior, went first and was very emotional, saying it was “such an honor to be the daughter of such an incredible woman.”

Johnny Lopez, Chiquis Rivera, Jacqie Rivera, Jenicka Lopez and Michael Rivera at the ceremony to honor Jenni Rivera posthumously with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on June 27, 2024.

John Salangsang/Shutterstock

Jenni Rivera's family during her ceremony on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles on June 27, 2024.

John Salangsang/Shutterstock

“More than anything, I am the daughter of a woman who left her mark on this earth and in the hearts of so many people. Even though it’s been almost 12 years, she is still alive and I see her in my brothers and sisters, I see her in all of you,” she told the crowd. “My mother was a woman who didn’t give up and who didn’t accept no. Her tenacity, her perseverance, her courage still lives on in so many of us.”

Jenicka, 26, remembers sitting with her mother in the car as she dreamed of the day she would get her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

“I thought it was impossible to get it after she passed away, but God has a beautiful way of proving people wrong,” she said. “My mother was a prayerful, powerful, intentional, very intimidating woman, and she still is today.”

“I’m so happy to be able to call her mom and to be able to say that she did all of this, even though I wish she was here to do it, it’s even cooler to say that she received it from heaven,” she added. “This moment right here is proof that your dreams can come true, no matter what the circumstances.”

Chiquis Rivera speaks about her mother Jenni during her ceremony on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles on June 27, 2024.

John Salangsang/Shutterstock

The “Basta Ya” singer tragically died in a plane crash in 2012 at the age of 43. At the time, she was at the height of her career and the first woman to sing narcocorridos. She also starred in her own reality TV show calledI love Jennion Universo. His life also inspiredNeighborhood Butterflya biographical telenovela about his life on Telemundo.

In June 2023, producers Sergio Lizrraga and Pavel Ocampo released his posthumous album
Mission accomplished, which included eight previously unreleased songs.

Meanwhile, in December 2022, Rivera's children celebrated the 10th anniversary of his death on social media.

Chiquis shared a photo from her years with her mother Jenni and began her post by writing: “3,650 days without you. How !!? When ?? For what !!!? . »

Chiquis Rivera during her mother Jenni's ceremony on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles on June 27, 2024.

John Salangsang/Shutterstock

“It's 1:41 a.m. PST and 10 years ago today at this exact time I was on a plane and I missed you in Vegas. I felt you and I will never forget the pain my heart felt that night It's similar to how I feel now,” she wrote. “Stupidly I thought it would have been a little easier today, because it's been 10 years now, but somehow it weighs heavier. Just knowing that I've lived 10 whole years without you, it hurts. I miss you like crazy and it seems that will never change.

She added, “Mom, no matter how many years pass or what happens, I PROMISE to continue to protect, guide, and keep my siblings together. I know how much this meant to you and I know this is the best way to honor your memory, and your legacy.”

Chiquis, who is a musician herself, signed off the post by writing that it was “an honor to be your firstborn” and “I love you forever.”




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