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I give up: Hollywood reacts to the Trump-Biden debate

I give up: Hollywood reacts to the Trump-Biden debate


Celebrities are sharing their thoughts after former President Donald Trump faced off against President Joe Biden in the first presidential debate of the 2024 election.

During Thursday night's 90-minute debate, former President Donald Trump continued to spout lies and falsehoods while President Joe Biden stuttered and stumbled over his words.

Actress and comedian Roseanne Barr tweeted: As MAGA and pro-America as I am. I take no pleasure in this debate. Biden is clearly not there. It's sad. Obama is sacrificing his friend to promote his radical policies and I don't want any of us to party after this.

Yes, Trump is clearly the better choice, but let's take this moment to pray for our country instead.

Fear and grievance, endlessly, Bette Midler, a prominent Democratic supporter, said of Trump on social media.

Every word that comes out of his mouth is a lie. Every word, the Beaches The actor said.

The first presidential debate of the 2024 election was widely mocked on Twitter

The first presidential debate of the 2024 election was widely mocked on Twitter (Getty Images)

Biden, Midler said, answered questions, something Trump never did. He pretended, he dodged, he lied.

Biden, his voice weakened by a coldanswered the questions, gently, but calmly. I leaned in and heard it clearly, she concluded.

Grey's Anatomy Star Jesse Williams took aim at the CNN show, asking: Why moderate if you're not going to moderate? Not a single lie has been verified.

Conservative View co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin wrote: “This evening will go down in the history books in two ways: as the moment when the adults in the room rallied and convinced Biden to step aside. Or, it will be remembered as the night Trump solidified his path back to the White House.

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The West Wing Actor Joshua Malina joked: It reminds me of The West Wing, except for every episode.

Jason Blum, CEO of the horror franchise, wrote simply: I give up.

Reality TV star Caitlyn Jenner, an ardent Trump supporter, called Biden a total and complete failure and clearly in major mental decline.

Vote accordingly! she added.

Meanwhile, Jon Stewart tore into both candidates during a live election special on The daily showbroadcast immediately after the end of the debate.

Let me just say, after watching tonight's debate, both of these men should be using performance-enhancing drugs, Stewart joked.

As much as they can get. If performance-enhancing drugs improve their lucidity, their problem-solving ability, and in one candidate case, improve their truthfulness, morality, and malignant narcissism, then suppositories are out. They should take whatever magic drugs can stimulate their brains, because this is not Olympic swimming, he added.

The Democrats appeared in deep panic from the start of the debate while Biden appeared fragile and calm. In a post-debate analysis, CNN pundits even raised the possibility that he might withdraw as the party's nominee.

Vice President Kamala Harris told the network: “It was a slow start, that's obvious to everyone. I'm talking about the November choice.”

She said the choice was between destroying democracy or pursuing policies aimed at strengthening the American economy.

At times, Biden managed to take a few jabs at Trump as the twice-impeached former president repeatedly lied. At one point, Biden attacked Trump for allegedly calling veterans losers and worthless.

“My son was not a loser, was not an idiot,” he said, referring to his son Beau Biden, who served in the U.S. Army and died of glioblastoma. “You’re the idiot, you’re the loser.”




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