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Top 7 Hollywood and Bollywood films and series to watch this weekend, like “Kalki 2898 AD” by Prabhas

Top 7 Hollywood and Bollywood films and series to watch this weekend, like “Kalki 2898 AD” by Prabhas


Trying to decide which movie to watch in UAE cinemas or on your streaming platform this weekend? Look no further. We’ve rounded up our top seven picks for you. From Nicole Kidman’s charming rom-com “The Family Affair” starring Zac Efron to Prabhas’ sweeping dystopian epic “Kalki 2898 AD,” our list promises something for every movie lover. Let’s dive in…

If you are a fan of star-studded spectacles and grand visual experiences, the Telugu film ‘Kalki 2898 AD’ is worth a watch. With a budget of Rs 6 crore and dubbed in various languages ​​like Tamil and Hindi, this sprawling spectacle boasts stunning visuals and an impressive cast including Deepika Padukone, Amitabh Bachchan, Kamal Haasan and Prabhas. This post-apocalyptic sci-fi adventure offers a unique blend of Indian mythology and futuristic elements. While the film may have its flaws, like a disappointing first half and questionable character portrayals (I’m looking at you, Disha Patani), it is an intriguing addition to the dystopian genre. If you love exploring themes of societal oppression, greed or dehumanisation, ‘Kalki 2898 AD’ delivers on these fronts. Additionally, fans of films like George Miller's “Mad Max” series, Denis Villeneuve's “Matrix” and “Dune” may find the homage and references to these classics interesting. The film is also a bold attempt at blending Indian mythology with Hollywood-style science fiction, making it an interesting film for those who applaud ambitious Indian projects. Amitabh Bachchan is in fine form in this spectacle that takes a little while to warm up. But the rousing climax makes up for the average first half.

The Bikeriders (UAE cinemas):

An image from “The Bikeriders”

An image from “The BikeRiders”

Austin Butler, Jodie Comer and Tom Hardy dive headlong into 1960s American motorcycle culture in “The Bikeriders.” This film, directed by Jeff Nichols, captures the rise and transformation of the “Vandals”, a fictional Chicago motorcycle club. What begins as a family group gradually transforms into a band of outlaws, reflecting the turbulent and rebellious spirit of the times. Nichols' direction, combined with the immersive performances of Butler, Comer and Hardy, make for a daring film. With its powerful blend of rebellion, camaraderie and the open road, “The Bikeriders” promises a visceral journey through a defining era in American history.

Quiet place: first day

An image from “Quietly: Day 1”

An image from “Quietly: Day 1”
Image credit: IMdB

The horror franchise “A Quiet Place” expands with “A Quiet Place: Day 1,” a prequel directed by Michael Sarnoski. This third installment delves into the origins of the alien invasion and how an entire humanity is forced into silence. Set on the first day of the alien invasion in New York City, this film delves into the chaos that ensues when creatures that attack at the slightest sound descend upon the city. The horror film stars Lupita Nyong’o as Sam, a cancer patient in hospice care, alongside Joseph Quinn as Eric, a British law student, and Alex Wolff as Sam’s nurse, Reuben. With Sarnoski’s tight direction and powerful performances from Nyong’o, Quinn and Wolff, the latest installment adds a new layer of intensity and emotional depth to the franchise. Also watch for the return of some familiar characters from previous chapters.

Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 1 (cinemas in the United Arab Emirates):

A still image of

An excerpt from “Horizon An American Saga”
Photo credit: IMdB

This film marks Kevin Costner's triumphant return to the great cinematic storytelling space, reminding you of his previous classics like “Dances with Wolves” and “The Postman.” This two-part Civil War epic showcases Costner's versatility as an actor, writer and director. The film boasts an A-list cast, including Sienna Miller, Sam Worthington, Jena Malone and Owen Crow Shoe. If you have a penchant for films set in pivotal historical periods, “Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 1” is definitely worth adding to your watchlist.

Paradise (cinemas in UAE):

Roshan Matthew and Darshana Rajendran in 'Paradise'

An image from “Paradise”

Starring the talented Roshan Matthew and Darshana Rajendran, this moving film delves into the lives of an Indian married couple who travel to Sri Lanka for their fifth wedding anniversary. But their idyllic getaway takes a dark and dramatic turn, exposing deep-seated conflicts in their relationship. Against the backdrop of a Sri Lanka in crisis, the couple must face personal turmoil amid external challenges that threaten to redefine their bond. Give this film a chance for its gripping plot that intricately weaves personal drama with sociopolitical tensions. Directed by Sri Lankan director Prasanna Vithanage, the film offers a poignant exploration of love, conflict and resilience. It also made a splash on the film festival circuit earlier this year. Its recognition at the Busan International Film Festival highlights its artistic merit, making it a compelling choice for those seeking intimate narratives that resonate on both a personal and universal level.

Maharaja (UAE cinemas):


An excerpt from “Maharaja”

South Indian actor Vijay Sethupathi is in fine form in this gripping thriller Maharaja. He plays a seemingly ordinary hairdresser whose world turns upside down when his old trash can goes missing. But he does not want to let the situation pass and goes to the police station to register a report about the disappearance of an object. At first, he is mistreated and is not taken seriously. But things take a turn for the worse in the second half. Sethupathi's portrayal as a loving single father adds emotional depth, while the film's innovative premise makes it very intriguing. I remembered Mohanlal's blockbuster thriller Drishyam because this film manages to entertain and surprise its viewers with a solid plot. The film also stands out for its mix of everyday absurdity and heartfelt storytelling, making it an enjoyable and disturbing film. Be warned, the violence is bloody and full of gore. But it's just a small blip in an otherwise enjoyable film to watch.

A Family Affair (Netflix):

An extract of

A still from “A Family Affair”
Photo credit: IMdB

In this romantic comedy starring Nicole Kidman and Zac Efron, the former plays Brooke Harwood, a renowned author struggling with a career crisis. Efron plays Chris Cole, a demanding action star who also happens to be the boss of Brookes' daughter Zara. Brooke and Chris' lives unexpectedly collide when sparks ignite between them after a chance encounter, setting off a series of events that force Brooke to confront not only her professional frustrations, but also her personal desires and family dynamics. Kidman and Efron deliver strong performances. Their portrayal of complex characters navigating love, growth, and the twists and turns of fate make for a solid weekend watch.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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