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Movie extra admits to killing Hollywood executive whose friend she was harassing

Movie extra admits to killing Hollywood executive whose friend she was harassing


A homeless woman has confessed to killing famous Hollywood executive Michael Latt because of his friendship with a director she was harassing.

Jameelah Elena Michl, 36, pleaded guilty to first-degree murder and first-degree burglary in a Los Angeles court Monday, according to court documents.

Michl also admitted to using a firearm in the attack, which is a felony.

Michael Latt's family said he was the victim of a “tragic act of violence” after he was found with a gunshot wound. Michael Latt / Instagram
Michael Latt was very well known in Hollywood. Michael Latt / Instagram

Latt, who had worked on projects with Selma director Ava DuVernay and Black Panther director Ryan Coogler, was killed in November last year.

Prosecutors said Michl, a homeless woman who was living in her car, knocked on the door of Latts' Los Angeles home, then forced her way in and fatally shot him with a semi-automatic pistol. He later died in hospital.

Michl had harassed and threatened director AV Rockwell, and targeted Latt because he was friends with Rockwell, who had obtained several restraining orders against her, according to court documents obtained by the AP.

She targeted him because he was friends with a woman she was harassing, the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office said last year.

Michl had appeared as an extra in Rockwell's final film, A Thousand and One, with Teyana Taylor – earning her a Gotham Award for Breakthrough Director the same night Latt was killed.

Latt's neighbors did not hear the gunshots but remember the activist as a nice guy who lived with his partner. ABC 7

Rockwell said in court documents filed in June that Michl began harassing her after she appeared as a background actor in that same film.

After filming was completed, Michl sent the director a large gift box, as reported by the Los Angeles Timesand then contacted her seeking a personal relationship, according to court documents and authorities.

When Rockwell did not respond to his overtures, Michl allegedly hand-delivered frightening letters to the director's home threatening suicide, the filing said.

My Glock is loaded as I write this, one of the notes reads. Just one pull of the trigger and I'll be free.

The shooting occurred around 6 p.m. at Latt's residence in the Mid-Wilshire neighborhood of Los Angeles. ABC 7

Michl sent at least five extremely long and threatening emails and text messages to Rockwell, repeatedly called her on her phone and approached her at public events, according to the documents.

As you continue to bask in the glory of the Thousand and One, I want you to remember and not forget all the hell people went through to help you bring your masterpiece to fruition. screen, Michl wrote in an April 29 email.

On May 3, Michl wrote again, threatening suicide.

I take my Glock to Griffith Park and I'm not leaving, she wrote in the email, according to the documents.

Michael Latt alongside rapper Common at a rally for Breonna Taylor in Kentucky in 2020. Leading with Love / Instagram

Rockwell got the restraining order reissued several times, after complaining about not being able to eat or sleep and suffering panic attacks caused by anxiety and fear for my safety, according to court documents .

Before his death, Latt posted a photo with Rockwell and his mother at the Sundance Film Festival, where the director's film won the Grand Jury PrizeCongratulations to @AVRockwell on his incredible feature directorial debut, A Thousand and One, his caption read.

Latt's family paid tribute on his Instagram page, saying he spent his career helping others, especially those from minority groups. Michael Latt / Instagram

Latt's mother, Michelle Satter, is a founding director of the Sundance Institute's arts programs, where she helped Quentin Tarantino early in his career. His father, David Latt, is a film producer and his brother is an agent.

Michl faces a maximum sentence of life in prison, with no possibility of parole for 25 years, at his scheduled sentencing on July 10, prosecutors said.

She was held on $3 million bail.




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